Government of Yukon advances modern Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act

For 60 days Yukoners can share their thoughts on proposed modernization of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP Act).  

During a 2016 review, the public, as well as the Information and Privacy Commissioner, provided information that guided the development of the proposed changes. Yukoners want a more transparent government, more government information available, more convenient access to government services and assurance their privacy is protected. A modern Act, with nine key shifts, is being drafted to reflect public input and improve the way the ATIPP Act works.

The public survey is designed to help the Government of Yukon collect information on each of the key shifts and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

The public input received will be summarized and released prior to finalizing the Act. Share your views to help develop legislation that meets Yukoners’ needs, now and into the future.

We want to increase the amount of government information available to citizens and improve the protection of their personal information. Government’s responsibility is to be open and accountable, and we want your thoughts on these proposed changes as we modernize this important piece of legislation.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • The Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act serves two primary purposes: to provide the public with the right of access to information held by public bodies; and to protect the personal privacy of individuals whose information is in the custody or control of public bodies.

  • A first phase public engagement to review the ATIPP Act took place in June and July 2016.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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