Government launches new driver licensing and registration system

The Government of Yukon is launching a new integrated system that will streamline vehicle and licence-related transactions and better protect Yukoners’ personal information.

YuDriv is a client-centred platform that includes a new driver licensing and registration system. Once fully implemented, this system will improve service delivery and lay the groundwork for additional online services for Yukoners.

The new system also offers enhanced safeguards to ensure Yukoners’ personal information is protected and is not improperly stored, accessed or shared. The system will be implemented in phases, with full implementation anticipated by April 2021.

YuDriv will improve driver licensing and vehicle registration in the Yukon. It is another example of modernization and service improvement by this Yukon Liberal government.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • The current vehicle registration mainframe was developed in the 1980s and the driver licensing system in 2011. Despite having similar data collection needs, the systems are not integrated and cause a duplication of effort in data entry.

  • The first release of the system focuses on driver licensing and registration. Later phases will include the expansion of and continuous access to services available online.

  • A number of vehicle-related services are already available online, such as vehicle registration renewal.

  • Full implementation of the system is anticipated to be complete by April 2021.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Brittany Cross
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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