Four Yukon youth receive Outstanding Youth Achievement Awards

Four youth in the Yukon are receiving the Outstanding Youth Achievement Award in recognition for their remarkable service and contribution to their communities. The award recognizes Yukon youth who are involved in their communities in constructive and positive ways such as volunteering, fundraising, helping seniors and Elders and being a positive role model for others. Youth between the ages of 15 and 20 can be nominated for an Outstanding Youth Achievement Award, which are accepted after January 1 each year.

The 2021 recipients are Cadence Milford, Sammy Demchuk, Jenna Colwell and Heather Mislang.

Recipients will receive a cash prize of $250 from the Youth Directorate, a certificate and medallion of recognition from the Commissioner’s office and will be featured on posters in their communities.

It is always great to see youth taking leadership roles in our communities. Congratulations to Cadence Milford, Sammy Demchuck, Jenna Colwell and Heather Mislang on receiving this year’s Outstanding Youth Achievement Award. Your hard work in bettering yourselves and others around you is truly inspiring and you have set a great example for your fellow peers and community members.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

As civic pride is one of my pillars, I am always honoured to recognize and hand out the Outstanding Youth Achievement Award to these wonderful youth from across the Yukon who are great models for their peers.

Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard

Quick facts
  • Winners receive a cash prize of $250 from the Youth Directorate, a certificate and medallion of recognition from the Commissioner’s office and are featured on posters in their community.

  • Youth between the ages of 15 and 20 can be nominated for an Outstanding Youth Achievement Award. Nominations are accepted after January 1 of each year.

  • The jury tries to select two recipients from Whitehorse and two recipients from Yukon communities when possible.


Biographies of 2021 Outstanding Youth Achievement Award recipients

Cadence Milford

Cadence, 17, is being recognized for her ongoing commitment to her community and support of her peers. From a young age, she has been passionate about volunteering and social justice. Some of her efforts include volunteering with The Guild Hall, her Music Arts and Drama (MAD) class, and the Yukon Theatre for Young People (YTYP). Cadence also serves as Chair of the Youth Steering Committee for YTYP. She has participated in many community clean up projects as well as volunteering in performing capacities such as singing, dancing, and acting. She consistently uses her voice to advocate for those around her, while also motivating others to be confident and try new things. Cadence is a natural leader and always has a positive attitude. With kindness, confidence, and humility, Cadence continues to exceed as a Yukon youth.

Sammy Demchuk

Sammy, 18, is being recognized for her enthusiasm in all of her community volunteering efforts. Last year, Sammy joined the Golden Horn Volunteer Fire Department as a trainee. She demonstrates a model dedication to the fire hall by attending all meetings and training sessions. Sammy excels in all areas of her interests by effectively splitting her time between school, volunteering, basketball, volleyball, and soccer. She has also chosen to help coach younger basketball and volleyball teams. Sammy has been a dedicated grad representative, has shown leadership on several sports teams and accomplished Honours with Distinction in her schooling. Sammy radiates enthusiasm, dedication and courage in her endeavours. Through her positive actions, Sammy displays community spirit and serves as a role model to other Yukon youth.

Jenna Colwell

Jenna, 16, is being recognized for exemplifying volunteerism in her home community of Ross River. She helps run a number of programs from the HOPE Centre. Through these programs, she serves tea and coffee to members of the community and spends time with kids. As a role model and teacher for younger youth, she encourages good listening and the improvement of reading and writing skills. She consistently supports participation and friendship between older youth and kids. Because of COVID-19, some volunteer programs have been put on hold, but Jenna and her community look forward to the day they can all gather again. Altogether, Jenna is a kind, sensitive, and helpful member of her community who has the desire to motivate and inspire others.

Heather Mislang

Heather, 16, is being recognized for her many achievements as a devoted community member. She volunteers with Whitehorse Connects and the Vanier Social Justice Club. She has also represented Vanier at the Vital Conversations panel on Climate Action through BYTE. Heather participates in many music clubs, often performing for or teaching other youth. Additionally, as a lector, she helps facilitate many church events. She participates in social justice climate events and helps to plan events for Vanier’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance. Heather is a dedicated member of Yukon’s theatre community and attends workshops with organizations like The Guild Hall and Yukon Theatre for Young People. Heather is always finding ways to improve herself by taking risks and facing challenges as they come. 

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Alexis Miller
Communications, Executive Council Office

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