The Government of Yukon is opening a limited licensed harvest on the Fortymile caribou herd from August 1 to September 9, 2020 for Yukon resident hunters.
This is the second hunting opportunity for licensed Yukon resident hunters after 25 years of Fortymile caribou herd recovery efforts between the Government of Yukon, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, Dawson Renewable Resources Council and Alaska.
The herd has now recovered to a population that allows for a sustainable, managed harvest that is in line with long-term conservation efforts. Opening harvesting opportunities now, when the population is numerous, is vital for maintaining the herd’s health as well as the ecological health of the range it lives on.
To be eligible for one of 160 permits, hunters must have a valid Yukon big game hunting licence and a caribou seal. Hunters who have already reached the bag limit of one caribou for woodland caribou this hunting season from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 are not eligible to obtain this permit.
Permits will be available from Department of Environment offices starting on July 30. Additional rules and requirements for the hunt are available online.
Recovering the Fortymile caribou herd has been a long journey, with many "firsts" to celebrate along the way. We extend our best wishes to those Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in citizens and families participating in the first Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in community hunt. We are also pleased to be able to offer harvest opportunities for licensed hunters this summer. During COVID-19, hunters must take extra precautions and follow the latest public health recommendations to ensure a safe and responsible hunting season.
During the 2020 winter hunt of Fortymile caribou, 66 permits were issued to licensed Yukon hunters and resulted in a harvest of 14 caribou.
Similar to the winter hunt, permits will be valid for five days and will be issued at intervals. For example, August 1 to 5, August 6 to 10 and so on. Twenty permits will be available for each interval.
Hunters must report the results of their hunt whether or not they are successful. If successful, they must also submit the caribou’s incisor bar within 72 hours of the permit end date.
Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications
Diana Dryburgh-Moraal
Communications, Environment