Forest fuel reduction planned for Whitehorse

The Government of Yukon and the City of Whitehorse are working collaboratively to reduce the risk of wildfires in Whitehorse this spring using prescribed burning.

Planned burning will take place at six locations in the Whitehorse area throughout April. To reduce risk, fire professionals will introduce fire to a landscape under specific controlled conditions and monitor the fire closely. Burn dates will depend on weather conditions and other criteria.

The prescribed burning locations are:

  • Long Lake Road
  • Range Road old landfill site
  • Old Takhini gravel pit north of the Takhini subdivision
  • Along the South Access Highway
  • Mclean Lake Road
  • Booth Road near the Cadet Camp

Wildfires are an essential part of the boreal forest, but they can also be dangerous. That is why prescribed burning and other forest fuel reduction treatments are so vital to protecting our Yukon communities from wildfire. Thank you to all Yukon firefighters for helping to safeguard our homes.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Prescribed burns are an effective tool in mitigating wildfires, which are a real threat to our community. Thank you to the Whitehorse Fire Department as well as the Wildland Fire Management Branch for helping us reduce the risk of potential fires around Whitehorse.

City of Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis

Quick facts
  • Prescribed burning occurs in areas that are susceptible to wildfire due to forest fuels such as brush and tall grass.

  • The experience gained by firefighters from Wildland Fire Management and the Whitehorse Fire Department will strengthen our ability to suppress wildfires throughout Yukon.

  • This will be the third year of a highly successful partnership with the City of Whitehorse Fire Department to reduce the risk of wildfire in Whitehorse.

  • Prescribed burning is planned for over approximately 45 hectares of landscape in the Whitehorse area.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Breagha Fraser
Communications, Community Services

Myles Dolphin
Manager, Strategic Communications
City of Whitehorse

News release #:
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