Yukon’s influenza vaccine clinics will start on Tuesday, October 12. In Whitehorse, the clinics will be held at the Coast High Country Inn Convention Centre for Yukoners age six months and older.
In communities outside of Whitehorse, clinics will be held at local health centres and other locations within the community. Clinic dates and locations can be found online at yukon.ca/flu.
In Whitehorse, the first week of clinics are for those most vulnerable to complications from influenza. These include Yukon residents with chronic medical conditions, as well as those who are pregnant, over age 65 and young children. Appointments can be made at yukon.ca/flu or by phone at 1-877-374-0425. Walk-ins will be accepted starting on October 25.
Influenza can cause serious illness and hospitalization among older adults and those with chronic conditions. In healthy individuals, influenza symptoms are generally mild to moderate. In more serious cases, symptoms can include rapid onset of high fever, cough, sore throat, aches, pains and chills.
The vaccine is free, safe and takes about two weeks to become effective. The best time to be vaccinated is as soon as the vaccine becomes available. This year all Yukon residents who are 65 years of age and older are eligible to receive a higher dose flu vaccine. This vaccine is proven more effective in preventing influenza in older adults than the standard-dose vaccine.
Pharmacies in Whitehorse will also be providing flu vaccine this year for anyone age five years and up. Contact your local pharmacy or visit www.yukon.ca/flu for more information.
The flu vaccine is free and available to anyone over the age of 6 months. Flu shot clinics will be offered in all communities across the Yukon. Receiving your flu vaccine will help protect yourself and prevent the spread of the virus to those who are more vulnerable to influenza, such as elders, people with chronic conditions, those who are pregnant and those under six months.
With more people travelling this year, it is expected we will see more cases of influenza. There is also the possibility of someone getting concurrent infections of both COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, a situation we all want to avoid. Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from the flu. I encourage all Yukoners to do their part by getting the flu vaccine, and those who were born in 2009 or earlier to get their COVID-19 vaccine if they haven’t done so already.
In communities outside of Whitehorse, walk-ins are often accepted, but some clinics require booking. Visit Yukon.ca/flu or call your local health centre to confirm.
This year, the Yukon has three types of flu vaccine available. FluMist nasal spray is available to those age 2 to 17. Fluzone is available to anyone over the age of six months and Fluzone High Dose is available to anyone age 65 or older.
COVID-19 precautions will be taken at all clinics, which includes physical distancing, hand sanitizer and COVID-19 screening questions. Wearing a medical mask is required. Masks will be provided at the clinics.
As the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, people who suspect they have the flu should stay home and should call 811 to see if they need to be tested for COVID-19.
Most pharmacies in Whitehorse will be offering seasonal flu vaccinations to anyone age 5 or older.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Michelle Boleen
Communications, Health and Social Services