Flight Path engagement takes off

Yukoners are being given an opportunity to guide how we invest in the territory’s aviation system. The public engagement launching today will help inform Flight Path, a 10-year investment strategy, on how we prioritize and invest in Yukon’s aviation system.

A 90-day survey and community meetings throughout the territory will give participants a chance to share their views on how our aviation system can be improved.

Our Liberal government is proud of the investments we’ve made in aviation infrastructure over the last three years. We encourage Yukoners to make their voices heard on this vital industry and help steer its direction for the next decade.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • A total of $33.5 million in capital and operations and maintenance has been budgeted for aviation infrastructure across the territory in 2019–20.

  • Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport alone saw more than 390,000 passengers in 2018, which was a record year.

  • Stantec is leading the public engagement for Yukon’s Flight Path.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Oshea Jephson
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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