First ever recipient of the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund announced

Today, the Commissioner of Yukon, the Bishop of the Anglican Church and the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund Advisory Committee have announced the first recipient of the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund, Edna Mitander.

Edna is a member of the Selkirk First Nation and is attending the Professional Counsellor Diploma program at Rhodes Wellness College in Vancouver. She will receive $750 to help with her education costs.

It is my extreme pleasure to hand out the first ever Daisy Mason Wellness Fund to Edna Mitander to help her achieve her lifelong dream of becoming a registered counsellor and opening her practice to help her community. Thank you to the Fund Advisory Committee members for the work accomplished over the last two years to arrive at this exciting moment.

Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard

It has been an honour to participate in the development of the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund and I am delighted that we can assist Edna toward achieving her goal of helping others. Desmond Tutu said: Do your little bit of good where you are.  It’s those bits of good, put together, that overwhelm the world. Edna is undertaking her little bit of good, right where she is planted.

Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Yukon Lesley Wheeler-Dame

Quick facts
  • In 1905, Skookum Jim put money into a trust to provide for his daughter Daisy and her future children. Daisy died in 1938 without children. In accordance with Skookum Jim’s will, the money then went back into the trust to support Yukon First Nations.

  • The Commissioner of Yukon and the Bishop of the Anglican Church were made trustees of the will and of the trust fund.

  • The Daisy Mason Wellness Fund is administered by Dianne Bruce at RBC Dominion Securities.

  • For an application form, contact the Commissioner’s office at or visit 412 Main Street in Whitehorse.

Media contact

Kerri Scholz
Private Secretary, Office of the Commissioner of Yukon

News release #:
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