First call for Housing Initiatives Fund projects a success

The Government of Yukon received 20 proposals during its first call for projects under the Housing Initiatives Fund.

Seven projects currently have signed transfer agreements in place and three others have received commitments for funding from the $3.6 million fund. Over the next 18 months, these projects will bring over 100 homes to Yukoners that will remain as affordable housing for 20 years.

The selected projects will increase the supply of new housing units in Whitehorse, Carcross, Pelly Crossing, Haines Junction, Teslin and Carmacks. Recipients include the Teslin Tlingit Council for the construction of eight units in Teslin and Ramza Development Ltd. for 18 units in Whitehorse.

The Housing Initiatives Fund supports a wide range of new affordable housing projects that align with the three pillars of the Housing Action Plan for Yukon: housing with support services, affordable rental housing and increased home ownership options.

The next call for housing projects will be in January 2019.

We designed the Housing Initiatives Fund to increase the amount of affordable and supportive housing available to Yukoners. We have received a tremendous response from First Nations governments, local organizations and developers interested in providing people with innovative housing options across the territory, and we will continue to broaden our partnerships with housing providers through the Housing Initiatives Fund going forward.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • The Government of Yukon anticipates that the Housing Initiatives Fund will support a total of 123 new affordable homes for Yukoners over the next 18 months.

  • The rental housing units created through the Housing Initiatives Fund will be available at or below median market rent for 20 years.

  • Of the selected proposals, 10 per cent are for housing with support services, 72 per cent are for affordable rental housing and 18 per cent are for affordable homeownership. 

  • The projects not selected will receive feedback to improve their proposals for the opportunity for future support from the Housing Initiatives Fund.

  • The 2018–19 budget earmarked $6 million for affordable housing; the Housing Initiatives Fund uses $3.6 million of this amount.

Projects with signed transfer payment agreements in place
  • 45358 Yukon Inc. & Maxavier Real Estate Ltd: 10 units in Whitehorse
    This project includes barrier-free units and one-bedroom and three-bedroom units that will increase the housing available for families and low-income households.
  • Carcross/Tagish First Nation: Four units in Carcross
    The two and three bedroom units will increase the number of homes available to Carcross/Tagish citizens.
  • Champagne & Aishihik First Nations: 10 tiny homes in Haines Junction
    These homes will be rented at the low end of market rent, making them accessible to single individuals and elders who need some support in their homes.
  • KBC Developments: 50 units in Whitehorse
    This project will provide housing options to seniors who need some living support.
  • Ramza Development Ltd.: 18 units in Whitehorse
    This project is located in Porter Creek and will provide rental housing at or below market rate for the next 20 years.
  • Selkirk First Nation: Four units in Pelly Crossing
    A pilot project to develop four optimally designed prefabricated homes to provide homes in Pelly Crossing and inform more housing development in the coming years.
  • Teslin Tlingit Council: Eight units in Teslin
    This project will be used to increase the amount of housing available for Teslin Tlingit Council staff living and working in Teslin.
Projects with funding commitments
  • 32125 Yukon Inc. (O/A 360 Design Build): 11 units in Whitehorse
  • Habitat for Humanity Yukon: Four units in Whitehorse
  • Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation: Four units in Carmacks
Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Sarah Murray
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

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