Engagement begins on Yukon’s Mineral Development Strategy

Joint news release with the Council of Yukon First Nations and the Government of Yukon

A new independent panel will engage with Yukoners to develop a mineral development strategy for the territory. Its members are Math’ieya Alatini, Angus Robertson, and Doug Eaton. Robertson is the Chair of the panel. The three-member panel has been appointed based on recommendations from the Mining Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) Main Table. The MMOU was signed in 2017 by the Government of Yukon and all 11 self-governing Yukon First Nations.

The panel will conduct an inclusive engagement process involving First Nations, industry, stakeholders and interested Yukoners to determine how to enhance Yukon’s mineral investment climate while respecting the rights and traditions of Yukon First Nations, upholding environmental standards and improving regulatory certainty.

The panel’s public engagement process begins today with the launch of their new website for the mineral development strategy, which includes:

  • information on the overall process;
  • approximate timelines;
  • engagement opportunities for the public;
  • an overview of the strategy development process; and
  • information about the independent panel’s membership.

Yukoners can also access the mineral development strategy website via Engage Yukon.

Yukon’s mineral development strategy will set a unified, long-term vision for responsible mining in Yukon, and this independent panel will ensure it reflects the vision, objectives and interests of all Yukoners. Our government is pleased to be working in full partnership with Yukon First Nations and alongside industry to develop a mineral development strategy that will shape the course of exploration and mining in Yukon in a manner that benefits Yukoners over the long term.  

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

We encourage Yukon First Nations to provide input during the engagement process to help shape the draft strategy. It is important that we jointly plan for the long-term vision of mining in the Yukon, while balancing environmental and economic realities.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

The work of the mineral development strategy will be important to ensure that the public mineral resources will be managed for the benefit of current and future generations of Yukon First Nations and other Yukon residents without compromising the integrity of our environment or way of life. We invite Yukoners to share their perspectives with the mineral development strategy panel to ensure that the modern mineral management regime in the Yukon reflects our values and interests.

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Chief Simon Mervyn

We are excited to take on drafting this mineral development strategy for Yukon. Everyone will have a chance to provide their input and we are eager to hear from Yukoners. Our aim is to listen and understand what people’s values are. This strategy will take into account the comments we receive and will set the course for the responsible use and enjoyment of Yukon’s mineral resources.

Mineral development strategy panel Chair, Angus Robertson

Quick facts
  • The three independent panel members bring a wealth of experience and expertise relating to lands and resources management, including mineral exploration. They are:

    1. Math’ieya Alatini is a former Chief of Kluane Fist Nation, and brings experience as a leader and knowledge of the mineral and mining sector.
    2. Angus Robertson is former Deputy Minister for several Government of Yukon departments and former Panel Chair for the Stakeholder Engagement Panel for the Northwest Territories Mineral Development Strategy.
    3. Doug Eaton is a long-time partner in Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited and brings a wealth of experience working in the mineral sector and working in partnership with Yukon communities and First Nations.
  • The Mining MOU is an agreement between the Government of Yukon and self-governing Yukon First Nations governments to collaborate on improvements to the management of Yukon’s mineral resources and develop tangible improvements to Yukon’s mineral regime.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Natalie Pendergast
Communications, Energy Mines and Resources

Juliann Fraser
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations
867-393-9200 ext.: 9223

Mineral Development Strategy panel

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