Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee tabled Bill No. 17 today. The Bill proposes amendments to the Enduring Power of Attorney Act that would enhance protections and accessibility for individuals and align Yukon with the Uniform Law Conference of Canada.
The proposed amendments clarify notice, accountability and eligibility requirements, provide a process for financial abuse to be reported and investigated, enhance ease of use, and clearly set out the roles and responsibilities of attorneys. These amendments reflect responses to public engagement conducted by the Government of Yukon from March 10 to May 10, 2020.
These amendments are designed to update Yukon’s legislation to enhance protections against misuse and fraud while increasing oversight. A modernized enduring power of attorney system is an important part of estate planning as it provides continuity, stability and financial security for individuals who become incapable of managing their affairs. The proposed changes reflect best practices in other jurisdictions and what we heard from Yukoners.
An enduring power of attorney is a legal document in which a person gives one or more trusted people the authority to manage their financial and legal affairs if they become ill or are no longer able to.
The Enduring Power of Attorney Act has not been updated since first being introduced 25 years ago.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Emily Turner-Davis
Communications, Justice