Do the heavy lifting to reduce waste

The Yukon government is taking steps to improve the territory’s waste management system, and asking all Yukoners to do the same. Yukoners are encouraged to make the extra effort to reduce waste during Waste Reduction Week, October 21 to 27.

The Government of Yukon is working to modernize and improve the territory’s waste management system by introducing a ban on single-use bags and improving how rural waste facilities serve each region.

In partnership with municipal governments, the Government of Yukon is also working towards a more sustainable solid waste management system in the territory. Work is underway to finalize regional landfill agreements with municipal partners that will: 

  • improve the operating standards of waste management facilities, including weigh scales, fences and onsite staff; and
  • introduce a user-pay system to make tipping fees consistent across Yukon.

The Government of Yukon is also continuing work on enhancing Designated Material Regulations, implementing Extended Producer Responsibility where possible and improving Yukon’s recycling system.

Yukoners generate nearly one tonne of waste a year! Reducing waste is an incredibly important part of being a good steward for our territory. I’m asking all Yukoners to do the heavy lifting and make the extra effort this week and every week to reduce their waste.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Being mindful of how the products we buy will be disposed of is an important step in reducing what ends up in our landfills. I encourage all Yukoners to remember to use reusable bags, coffee mugs and water bottles, say no to single-use items, repair what we have, and to compost and recycle as much as possible. Reducing waste is all our responsibility, let’s do the heavy lifting together.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • Waste management and recycling costs have increased dramatically over the last ten years. It costs the territorial and municipal governments about $11 million each year to manage the waste in Yukon.

  • Introducing tipping fees across the territory is a way to help cover these costs and ensure all Yukoners pay their part to manage the waste they produce.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility would add the environmental costs of managing a product at the end of its life to the price of that product.

  • The departments of Community Services and Environment are participating in Waste Reduction Week by running a friendly competition. Employees will compete to determine which office spaces can reduce the most waste by composting, recycling and making better choices.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Kara Johancsik
Communications, Community Services

Heather Avery
Communications, Environment

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