Dedicated special assistance line opens at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport

The Government of Yukon today announced that a special assistance line has been added to security screening at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport.

The line will provide those with mobility challenges, visual impairment and hearing impairment with a dedicated access point. It is available for use as of today.

It’s important that we provide Yukoners and visitors alike an accessible and comfortable experience when travelling from the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport. I hope that the special assistance line helps to do just that.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • The Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport meets federal requirements for accessibility. The airport’s services and facilities are evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that our facilities meet industry standards.

  • Passengers travelling to or from the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport who require special assistance are encouraged to speak with their air carrier to make any arrangements that may be necessary.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Brittanee Stewart 
Communications, Highways and Public Works 

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