The Government of Yukon has completed work on an updated policy that will guide the development of Yukon agriculture for the next decade.
Cultivating Our Future: 2020 Yukon Agriculture Policy is the result of three years of work with Yukon’s agricultural producers, public and First Nations.
The vision for the 2020 Yukon Agriculture Policy is to create the right conditions to increase Yukon’s self-sufficiency in food production, produce high-quality products that feed Yukon’s vibrant communities, contribute to the local economy and to leave positive cultural and environmental legacies for future generations.
The policy supports the ongoing development of Yukon’s agriculture industry in areas including:
- accessing arable land for farming;
- encouraging best management practices on farms;
- improving land use for agricultural purposes;
- prioritizing agriculture-related infrastructure development;
- reducing operating costs and offering agriculture extension services to support farmers and communities; and
- increasing farm opportunities, including agriculture business development and marketing.
The updated agriculture policy will work hand-in-hand with Yukon’s Local Food Strategy to encourage self-sufficiency in food production, promote the availability of local food to all Yukoners and consider First Nations priorities for land use and developing local food production capacity. The updated policy supports all communities and aspects of the agriculture and local food sectors, including food for people, feed for livestock and food distribution and environmental impacts.
Yukon’s agriculture industry representatives have been working closely with the Government of Yukon for over two years to update and refine a new agriculture policy for Yukon. We are excited about the future of local food production in Yukon and Cultivating our Future: 2020 Yukon Agriculture Policy will be a guiding document in the development of Yukon’s agriculture industry in to the next decade.
Cultivating Our Future: 2020 Yukon Agriculture Policy is Yukon’s fourth formal agriculture policy. The first policy was adopted in 1982 and updates were made in 1991 and 2006. The 2006 Yukon Agriculture Policy was adopted to encourage an agriculture industry that is economically viable, environmentally sustainable and produces high quality and safe food.
There are 142 farms reported in Yukon. Hay production has been the largest portion of Yukon’s agriculture industry in terms of the number of farms, acreage and revenue. Yukon farms also produce vegetables, field crops, berries, meats and a variety of value-added products including preserves and cheese.
Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications
Jesse Devost
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources