The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust is providing $203,173 to nine community-led projects which focus on crime prevention and services for victims.
Many of the projects receiving funding are designed to reduce young Yukoners’ vulnerability to negative influences and involvement in crime by encouraging healthy relationships, mental and physical wellness, life skills and a sense of community.
The recipients of the funding are the City of Whitehorse, Heart of Riverdale Community Centre, Les EssentiElles, Mothers Against Drunk Driving Yukon Chapter, Tagish Community Association, Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre, Village of Teslin, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Yukon Association for Community Living.
The next application deadline is 11:59 p.m. on February 15, 2018.
One of the most important means of improving community safety is through the work of grassroots organizations. The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund supports innovative work from local groups that are dedicated to making Yukon communities safer and healthier places to live, especially for our youth, and we’re very pleased to support these innovative projects.
The board of trustees of the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund would like to thank applicants for their commitment to developing programs that take action on issues of victimization and crime. We are excited to see that many of the projects receiving funding are helping Yukon youth to build skills and a develop a sense of belonging.
The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust provides funding twice a year to projects that are intended to reduce crime, prevent violence against women and children, address the root causes of crime, provide services and information to victims of crime, or provide information about crime prevention and victimization.
Funding applications are accepted from non-profit organizations, municipal and First Nation governments, and school councils and boards. Eligible costs can include wages or honoraria, promotional materials and printing, as well as materials or rental costs.
The fund has supported Yukon community groups since 1998. Proposals are reviewed by the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Board of Trustees, which includes community members and representatives from the Government of Yukon, First Nations, women’s organizations and the RCMP.
CPVSTF Fall 2017 Funding Recipients
City of Whitehorse - $10,458 for Youth Drop-in Program
The Canada Games Centre hosts the Youth Drop-in Program to engage youth with free evening programming and snacks in order to reduce their vulnerability to negative influences, address problematic behaviour and discourage involvement in crime. Positive role models will facilitate activities and sports including arts and crafts, board games, karaoke, movie nights, swimming, ice skating and table tennis in a setting that is fun, safe and inclusive. As of January 11, 2018, the program will be offered in partnership with Skookum Jim Friendship Centre on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays from 6 to 9 p.m.
Heart of Riverdale Community Centre - $28,000 for Heart Space program
The Heart Space program is a free, drop-in program for youth on weekdays after school until 10 p.m. The program provides a safe space, food and access to staff knowledgeable about youth needs. A youth worker facilitates engaging activities, manages youth-directed projects and provides support and referral services for at-risk youth. Programming includes community art projects, homework support, computer use, reading, and workshops in photography, visual art, theatre, dance and music.
Les EssentiElles - $18,377 for Be More than a Bystander presentations
A series of presentations in Yukon secondary schools will talk to youth about healthy interpersonal relationships, gender-based violence and intervening in violent situations. The presentations – two in Whitehorse and one in Watson Lake, Dawson City and Haines Junction – will be led by a professional football player and followed by a short presentation from Les EssentiElles and Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre on available resources and services for victims of violence in Yukon. The Be More Than a Bystander program was developed by the Ending Violence Association of BC and features football coaches and players from the BC Lions football team.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Yukon Chapter - $5,328 for The Pact school assembly program
The Pact presentation will be given at eight schools throughout Yukon to introduce tools and strategies to use when youth find themselves in impaired driving situations. It includes a video dramatization of an impaired driving situation and real life testimonials about three people who were killed or badly injured in impaired driving accidents. The schools will receive CD/DVD resources for further classroom discussion.
Tagish Community Association - $12,800 for Tagish School of Music Project
The Tagish School of Music Project aims to engage at-risk youth, promote community engagement, provide positive peer modelling, and build self-esteem, confidence and skills. Qualified musicians will travel to Tagish to provide group music classes on Saturday afternoons. The classes will develop musical appreciation through education and lessons in percussion, voice, song writing, keyboard, guitar, ukulele, rock band, jazz band, pop band, vocal ensemble and music recording technology. Youth will be requested to perform at community events in Tagish. The project removes barriers of cost, transportation to Whitehorse and lack of access to music instructors.
Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre - $27,187 for Girls, Trans and Rainbow Club and the GNorth Network
Building on the My Life My Body Project, this next phase will continue to provide education and support around disabled people and sexuality. The project will include: a webinar series on sexuality; a month-long public education campaign to remove the myths and stigma around sexuality and to foster open conversation with the disability community; workshops for professionals; school visits to offer persons with intellectual disabilities sexual health education and teach social skills for healthy relationships; and monthly friendship circles for youth with disabilities to learn and practice friendship-development skills.
Village of Teslin - $6,300 for Youth Programming Project
The Youth Programming Project is designed to help youth deal with mental illness and tackle other tough social issues; increase their confidence to speak up for themselves; and build and strengthen relationships. Programming will include co-ed sessions with a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist to teach ways to lead healthy lifestyles and be happy. A group for girls will spend 10 sessions discussing mental health and social issues, positive coping techniques and ways to feel safe, and means to build a network of positive adult role models. These sessions will be co-facilitated with a counsellor from Child and Adolescent Therapeutic Services. A weekend relationship-building retreat in Whitehorse with the girls and their mothers, grandmothers or aunts will culminate the sessions. A boys group will have sessions focused on building woodworking, mechanics and basic outdoor survival skills, encouraging participants to get outdoors and be active.
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation - $30,368 for Recreation Spring Break Camp
All Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) members will be invited to one of three land-based camps in March 2018 to focus on traditional knowledge and skills, leadership development and team building through a variety of games, activities and workshops. The respective camps will be targeted to three age groups and presenters will include BYTE, Elders, Old Crow Rangers and VGFN departments. The camps cover ice fishing, caribou hunting, trapping and snare setting, winter shelter building and include group team building games and excursions to traditional locations.
Yukon Association for Community Living - $64,355 for Youth Peer Mentor - Next Phase project
The Youth Peer Mentor program brings together teens with an intellectual disability with a network of non-disabled peers to partake in a weekly series of small-group, age-appropriate recreational activities. Together, they participate in a variety of different activities, discussions, and workshops that promote confidence, communication, self-esteem, boundary-setting and other skills that are important to the group. Special leadership development training will be offered to 10 program participants – both those with and without disabilities. The goal is to have them develop a greater capacity to lead and serve as mentors within the group and their daily lives. The training will be facilitated by BYTE and topics such as: leadership, mentorship and coaching; disabilities; drug and alcohol use and abuse; PATH planning for a personal life vision; public speaking, storytelling and networking; and advocacy.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Megan Foreman
Communications, Justice