Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy development underway

The Government of Yukon is preparing a multi-year strategy to support, grow and develop Yukon’s creative and cultural industries.

The strategy is being developed in collaboration between the departments of Tourism and Culture, Education and Economic Development and will guide the government’s programs and supports to encourage a flourishing creative and cultural industries sector. It will also aim to reduce barriers and encourage inclusivity and diversity among industry participants.

The Government of Yukon is hosting an engagement session with individuals and organizations in the sector in Whitehorse on May 3, with more engagement sessions happening this summer. A draft strategy will be shared for feedback and comments this fall.

The creative and cultural industries provide social benefits to Yukoners and contribute to the diversification of Yukon’s economy. Our government is committed to developing and implementing an inclusive strategy with tangible action plans. We want to support and grow Yukon’s creative and cultural industries to improve the social and economic well-being of all Yukoners.

Minister of Tourism and Culture and the Women’s Directorate Jeanie Dendys

Quick facts
  • The creative and cultural industries comprise the production or reproduction, promotion, distribution and commercialization of goods, services and activities of content derived from cultural, artistic or heritage origins. 

  • The creative and cultural industries include sound recording, visual and applied arts, crafting, audio-visual and interactive media, film, photography, graphic design, architecture, live performance, theatre, written and published works, sound and lighting technicians, heritage and libraries as well as the labour force and institutions required to support them.

  • According to Statistics Canada, Yukon’s culture GDP was $56.3 million in 2016 and accounted for 2.1 per cent of the total territorial economy and 857 jobs.

  • Planned engagement will help the government gain insight into the needs of the sector, design a process for continued engagement and identify potential areas that a strategy could support.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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