Following recommendation from the acting Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, COVID-19 boosters will be available to Yukoners ages 50 and older starting November 1. People are eligible for a booster when it has been at least six months since they completed their primary COVID-19 vaccine series.
A booster dose strengthens the immune system response when protection from a primary vaccine series shows signs of waning over time. COVID-19 boosters will be launched in a phased approach beginning with Yukoners ages 50 and over as they are at a higher risk of having severe illness from the virus. While priority is being made to Yukoners ages 50 and older, booster clinics may be expanded at a further date to include younger ages, once recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization.
The primary series for the COVID-19 vaccine for almost all Yukoners is two doses. A limited number of immunocompromised Yukoners received a third dose as part of their primary series. People will become eligible for a booster when it has been at least six months since they completed their primary series.
Clinics will begin in Carcross, Watson Lake and Whitehorse the week of November 1. Within the next six weeks, all other Yukon communities will have booster shot clinics. Yukoners can also receive their first or second dose at these clinics. In Whitehorse, COVID-19 boosters will be offered at the Coast High Country Inn Convention Centre and appointments can be made online.
For more information on clinic dates and times, please visit
It is important that we take all the necessary steps needed to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect Yukoners across the territory. COVID-19 boosters will help protect Yukoners who are at a higher risk of severe infection from COVID-19 and reduce the spread of the virus in our communities. Clinics will be held in each community, and there will be enough vaccine for everyone who meets the criteria to receive a COVID-19 booster.
The most effective way to reduce the harms of the COVID-19 pandemic is to have the best vaccine protection possible. This booster helps those who may have a dip in their immune response over time to once again reach the highest protection from COVID-19. This booster recommendation is the next step in our vaccine guidance that now includes the primary series of two doses for all who are eligible, three doses for those who are immunocompromised, and boosters for those in long-term care. If you are 50 or older, and it’s been six months since your second dose, do the right thing and get your booster shot.
Appointments for COVID-19 can be made online at or by calling 1-877-374-0425. In communities outside Whitehorse, walk-ins will be accommodated, but appointments are preferred.
Dates for clinics in Carcross, Watson and Whitehorse are scheduled. Clinics in other communities will be advertised as soon as they are scheduled.
If someone is unsure of the date they received their last COVID-19 vaccine, the information is available on the COVID-19 wallet-sized vaccination card, or they can download their proof of vaccination certificate at
Moderna (Spikevax) will be the booster provided. If someone received their primary series with Pfizer (Comirnaty), the booster will be provided with Moderna. Mixing doses of mRNA vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective.
If you have received a COVID-19 product other than Moderna or Pfizer and would like more information on boosters, please contact your health care provider or the COVID InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425.
A third dose is different than a booster dose. A third dose is given to immunosuppressed people and is given four weeks after their second shot. Immunosuppressed people need three doses in order to have an adequate immune response.
A booster dose is provided at least six months after someone has completed their primary series. A primary series for most Yukoners is two doses. A primary series for immunocompromised individuals is three doses.
People do not need to wait a specific period of time between their seasonal flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine. They can be provided at the same time.
Renee Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Michelle Boleen
Communications, Health and Social Services