Community economic development conference begins in Haines Junction

The Government of Yukon and the St. Elias economic development steering committee are co-hosting a conference from April 26 to 27, at the Da Kų Cultural Centre in Haines Junction.

The Investing in Place: Communities and Regions Building for Success conference will bring together organizations from in and around Haines Junction, Destruction Bay, Burwash Landing and Beaver Creek to explore economic opportunities, from tourism to business development.

Local governments, businesses, development corporations and other stakeholders will share their experiences and discuss a collective approach to economic development.

This conference is a great opportunity for local businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs to share ideas that will encourage economic growth and diversification along the St. Elias corridor. By working together with the St. Elias steering committee we can help the local economy thrive. The Government of Yukon is proud to support economic development in Yukon communities.

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Community input and support is critical to ensure community visitor experiences contribute to the sustainable growth of tourism across the territory. This conference offers a forum to explore how attractions and authentic experiences can showcase the unique identity of the Kluane and St. Elias region while strengthening the local economy.

Minister of Tourism and Culture Jeanie Dendys

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations is pleased the economic development conference is being hosted in Dakwäkäda, known more recently as Haines Junction. We are excited to participate and share strategies to promote and grow our vibrant community and region together.

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Dän nätthe ada Kaaxnox (Chief Steve Smith)

There are some unique businesses in the region and this conference is an opportunity to celebrate their successes and explore new economic opportunities alongside local governments, development corporations and other stakeholders. Haines Junction is thrilled to welcome the conference and we look forward to the interesting opportunities, discussions, and partnerships ahead.

Mayor of Haines Junction Thomas Eckervogt

Quick facts
  • The St. Elias economic development steering committee includes local stakeholders and governments.

  • Conference highlights include:

    • a business showcase and gala dinner;
    • a keynote address from Chief Steve Smith, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations;
    • presentations from Dr. Greg Halseth and Marleen Morris, University of Northern British Columbia; and
    • a presentation on the new Yukon Tourism Development Strategy from the Minister of Tourism and Culture Jeanie Dendys.
Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Amelie Quirke-Tomlins
Communications, Economic Development

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