The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities. The Community Development Fund has awarded $487,846 to 15 community projects from across Yukon. The next deadline to apply for Tier 1 funding, for projects $20,000 and under is January 15, 2021. The next deadline to apply for Tier 2 funding, for projects between $20,000 and $75,000, is April 15, 2021.
Funding recipients include the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, Pioneer Women of The Yukon and the Dawson City Music Festival Association. The full list of recipients and project details can be found below.
The Community Development Fund continues to provide immense value to Yukoners and their communities. It is more important than ever that fund applicants find and introduce new ideas and projects to improve their fellow Yukoners' lives during this difficult time.
This community-based program, supported by local businesses, with in-kind contributions from Challenge Disability Resource Group and the City of Whitehorse, provides a venue for local businesses to advertise their products and services. After many years of use, the wooden planter boxes are in need of restoration and the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce thanks the Government of Yukon for providing funding to restore these boxes that showcase our local business community and provide enjoyment to Yukoners and visitors to the City of Whitehorse.
Axe Throwing has been one of our most popular events during the festival for many years, so we are incredibly excited to receive funding from the Community Development Fund to make this Yukon favourite more accessible and safer. Our new Axe Throwing Target has been designed to World Axe Throwing League standards which will reduce required volunteer labour and provide an opportunity for the community to participate in this event outside of the winter and snowy months.
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less on January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15.
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 on April 15 and September 15.
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 on January 15.
The Community Development Fund has awarded $142,490 in Tier 1 funding towards nine projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners:
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce – $19,436: To hire a contractor to repair 58 planter boxes for use by the Planter Box Program, an annual program that enhances the beauty of downtown Whitehorse by adding to the aesthetic value and provides employment for adults with disabilities. This project will create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Andrei Samson at 867-335-0715.
Yukon Conservation Society – $15,798: To hire a consultant to help the board refine its roles, responsibilities and governance strategy while also identifying its strategic direction moving forward. This project will create 120 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Carol Voss at 867-668-5678.
Association franco-yukonnaise – $20,000: To plan for archiving and digitizing past records of L’Aurore Boreale. Readers will benefit by having more reasonable access to archives and reduced research time. This project will create 605 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Maryne Dumain 867-668-2663.
Hidden Histories Society Yukon – $3,746: To update their website. Upgrading the website will raise the public profile and better clarify their role and value to the community. It will provide a resource for diverse community members and other researchers. This project will create 43 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Karen Routledge 867-689-8495.
Pioneer Women of the Yukon, Whitehorse Lodge No. Two Society – $18,000: To create an interactive, touch screen kiosk of fifty biographical sketches of Pioneer Women of the Yukon. The display will provide Yukoners and visitors alike, a glimpse into the lives, accomplishments and perseverance of Yukon women and salute their contributions. The project will create short term employment for local contractors. Contact: Christel Percival 867-668-6817.
Yukon Chapter – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – $19,840: To create a digital archive of the Peel Watershed materials. Digitizing these records will allow for better management of the documents and provide faster and easier access to materials. The project will create 1266 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Judith van Gulick 867-393-8080 (Ext.5).
Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Society – $14,393: To build a new target that conforms to the design standards of the World Axe Throwing League (WATL). The new target will be easier to maintain, easier to move, and have built-in safety infrastructure. This project will create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Saskrita Shrestha 867-667-2148.
Borealis Soulful Urban Dance Theatre Alliance – $14,674: To develop a four-year strategic plan to help guide this organization to grow and clearly understand their future objectives and plans. The results of which will be a more purpose-driven and directed organization. This project will create short term employment for two local consultants. Contact: Andrea Simpson Fowler 867-393-2623.
Yukon Public Legal Education Association – $16,605: To develop a broad range of policies and procedures for the board and office operations so they have the framework and guidelines to operate in a more professional and efficient manner. This project will create 120 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Kelly Fraser 867-668-5297.
The Community Development Fund has awarded $345,356 in Tier 2 funding towards six projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners:
First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun – $66,688: To hire a contractor to retrofit the greenhouse at their farm north of Mayo. The greenhouse will be used to educate youth and provide them a place to work alongside the elders, learning traditional values. It will allow the First Nation to build their capacity to both feed their Citizens as well as provide a more reliable source of local food production in order to become more self-sufficient, economically prosperous, and achieve local food security. This project will create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Teresa Sampson 867- 332-0108.
Industrial Arts & Technology Society of Yukon – $38,210: To create and test a model for a makerspace in Dawson City. This project will provide the community with access to space and equipment to work and learn; create a network of people with similar interests; foster collaboration and information sharing; and enable new opportunities for entrepreneurship, ideas and innovation, problem-solving, and skills development. This project will create 675 hours of employment for one person. Contact: John McDonald 867-993-8800.
Volunteer Benevoles Yukon Society – $66,000: To hire a contractor to develop a business plan for the development of an NGO hub. This project will create 870 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Bruno Bourdache 867-456-4304.
Larrikin Entertainment Ensemble – $50,331: To hire consultants to create a strategic, governance, marketing and First Nations relations plan. This will guide them as they continue to grow as a theatre company and ensure Yukon continues be a desirable location for the arts. This project will create 878 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Katherine McCallum 867-335-2288.
Dawson City Music Festival Association – $73,195: To build a community recording studio in their new building. This will provide Dawson residents with more opportunities to participate and engage with music. This project will create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Devon Berquist 867-333-0363.
Kwanlin Dün Cultural Society – $48,932: To procure professional audio and video equipment to broadcast client conference and cultural events. This new equipment will enable them to continue to engage with communities, deliver their programs and remain a viable location for events. Contact: Patrick Matheson 867-456-5322 Ext. 106.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development