Community Development Fund awards more than $70,000 to seven projects

Seven community projects were awarded $70,866 from the Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund for the Tier 1 July 2019 intake.

The project recipients include the Village of Teslin, Association of Yukon Communities, Watson Lake Daycare Centre Society, Yukon Film Society, Golden Age Society, Signpost Seniors Association and Ross River Recreation Society.

To date in the 2019–20 fiscal year, the Community Development Fund has approved $1,919,837 for 46 projects.


From a dishwasher for seniors to trails in Teslin and sprucing up a daycare in Watson Lake, the Community Development Fund supports a wide range of projects that enhance the well-being of Yukoners. This program continues to be a fantastic way to address diverse needs in the territory, and I’m glad to see these seven projects receive funding in the latest intake.

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Teslin’s trail development project is part of a broader community initiative to encourage a healthy lifestyle, promote our cultural richness and increase tourism. We appreciate this funding and are eager to begin planning the expansion of our trail network, which will offer economic and recreational benefits for our community.

Village of Teslin Chief Administrative Officer Shelley Hassard

Quick facts
  • The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities.

  • The Community Development Fund provides up to 90 per cent of the total project costs. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:

    • Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less (January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15).
    • Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 (April 15 and September 15).
    • Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 (January 15).

Community Development Fund Tier 1 July 15, 2019 Intake Approved Projects

The Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund awarded $70,866 in Tier 1 funding toward seven projects promoting social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

Association of Yukon Communities – $11,131 – To provide comprehensive training for the municipal and local advisory council administrative staff in all Yukon communities in order to develop the skills necessary to manage difficult situations and deal with changes effectively. This training will also enable them to meet and work with colleagues from across Yukon and establish invaluable resource networks for the future. The project will create five hours of employment for one person. Contact: Laura Eby at 867-668-4388.

Village of Teslin – $12,500 – To hire a consultant to lead a planning exercise and consultation with key groups and community members in Teslin to develop a trail network. The consultant will map GPS coordinates of the existing trails and resource roads within Teslin’s municipal boundaries and examine the existing trails. The consultant will then make recommendations on where to connect trails to form loops, build new trails and trail design options such as the width of trails, water crossings and clearing requirements. This project will create 200 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Shelley Hassard at 867-390-2530.

Watson Lake Daycare Centre Society – $8,500 – To hire a local contractor to install a new 1,500-litre oil tank. This project supports the economic stability of a rural town by ensuring the daycare continues to be a safe and reliable service for families. The project will create employment for one contractor. Contact: Vanessa Law at 867-536-2167.

Yukon Film Society – $10,380 – To market their Available Light On Demand website and Yukon films through digital marketing, online webinar training for staff and filmmakers, and a website redesign to act as a centralized landing page for all marketing activities including film festival screenings, theatre film series and a pay-for-view-on-demand website. A redesigned and integrated website and strategic marketing of Yukon Film Society’s services will allow people easy access to films that are relevant to the North and Yukon, and will enable Yukon filmmakers to reach local, national and international audiences, providing them with revenue from online rentals and purchases. The project will create varying hours of employment for three people over a 10-month period. Contact: Karen Baltgailis at 867-393-3456.

Golden Age Society – $14,400 – To hire a local contractor to build 10 large moveable storage cabinets.  This will reduce the society’s operating costs by providing sufficient on-site storage instead of paying for storage at another location. This project will create 360 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Doug MacLean at 867-334-9872.

Signpost Seniors Association – $6,605 – To purchase and install a commercial grade, under-the-counter dishwasher. This will enable the association to continue to provide essential services to the Watson Lake community by organizing events for and supporting seniors. The project will create employment for one local contactor. Contact: Henriette Devries at 867-334-0295.

Ross River Recreation Society – $7,350 – To organize and host a community event in partnership with Ross River Dena Council to showcase the culture of the Kaska people and enhance the self-esteem of the local youth by getting them involved in volunteering. The project will strengthen social networks, elevate community pride and generate local spending. The project will employ six people for four hours. Contact: Verna Nukon at 867-969-2261.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Jason Seaton
Communications, Economic Development

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