Joint news release with Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Blood Ties Four Directions Centre Society and Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club
The Government of Yukon is awarding more than $1.2 million to 12 organizations through the Community Development Fund. The Tier III approved projects will provide more than 8,470 hours of employment for 37 people.
Numerous volunteer hours are also associated with the projects and the funding will assist members of the community in achieving their project objectives.
Funding recipients include Kwanlin Dün First Nation; Selkirk First Nation; Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club; the Heart of Riverdale Community Centre; the Yukon Astronomical Society; and Blood Ties Four Directions Centre Society.
Our government is proud to support these inspiring projects that will provide social, cultural and economic benefits for Yukoners. We look forward to seeing the positive impacts that help to build healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities.
The community that plays together, stays together. Kwanlin Dün First Nation is thrilled about this new playground. It, alongside our newly-upgraded hockey rink and baseball diamond, will create a hub of activity in the neighbourhood that provides the kids who live in McIntyre a safe place to meet, play and have fun close to home.
This funding will help provide housing for those experiencing homelessness. This Tiny House community will provide Housing First supported housing to people in need, helping them to reach their goals and priorities without the stress of living without a home.
With the Community Development Fund’s support, we will be able to significantly improve the training environment for gymnasts using our facilities, and better meet their needs. This funding will also open up new opportunities by allowing us to host national events and assist Yukon in hosting the 2020 Arctic Winter Games.
The Community Development Fund’s primary goal is to support projects that provide long-term benefits and value to Yukon communities.
Projects are awarded based on merit and the ability to demonstrate social, cultural and economic benefits.
The Community Development Fund is divided into three tiers with five intake deadlines:
- Tier I: Applications of $20,000 or less (intake deadlines in January, May, July and October);
- Tier II: Applications of $20,001 to $75,000 (intake deadline in May and September); and
- Tier III: Applications of $75,001 or more (intake deadline in January).
Community Development Fund Tier III recipients – May 2018
Yukon Arts Centre Corporation – $61,075 – To re-design the Yukon Arts Centre website to enhance user experience and to ensure the accessibility of program information for all communities in Yukon. The Yukon Arts Centre’s website, as the online source for the leading venue of visual and performing arts programming in Yukon, is an instrument that links Yukon communities to each other and the rest of Canada. Contact: Casey Prescott at (867) 667-8577.
Porter Creek Community Association – $115,080 – To expand the Pine Street Park in Porter Creek South and modernize its play equipment. Safe, modern and diverse play equipment encourages physical activity and play which studies have shown to be excellent for children's social and motor development. Parks offer a space for families to meet neighbours and build social and community networks. An expanded and enhanced park will accommodate the amount of young families who have moved to the neighbourhood in recent years. Contact: Zara Soukoroff at (867) 335-3667.
Ross River Dena Council – $90,000 – To determine the feasibility of developing a Community/Language Centre in Ross River. Based on the results of the feasibility study, phase two will develop a business plan and preliminary financial analysis. Aboriginal languages provide First Nations communities with an important connection to their culture, roots and identity. The goal of this project is to determine the optimal way to enhance cultural identity through language preservation and other cultural activities. Contact: Chief Jack Caesar at (867) 633-4337.
Yukon Astronomical Society – $52,940 – To repair and modify the Yukon Astronomical Society's Observatory site and existing dome structure to meet public safety standards. The Society’s mandate is to help all Yukoners learn more about astronomy, to enhance understanding of, and inspire curiosity about the universe through public outreach events, education, and support for astronomical research as well as to operate a public astronomical observatory. The project will create approximately 400 hours of employment for seven people. Contact: Viktor Zsohar at (250) 408-4838.
Kwanlin Dün First Nation – $100,300 – To partner with their Elders, youth and community to design and build a playground in the McIntyre subdivision for children aged 3 to 15. The playground will incorporate Kwanlin Dün First Nation cultural and heritage designs and features that their children will learn about in order to develop pride in their First Nation. The project will create approximately 600 hours of employment for five people. Contact: Roxanne Vallevand at (867) 633-7800.
Carcross/Tagish First Nation – $92,965 – To provide landscaping training and job skills development to six C/TFN citizens. The project aims to equip the local labour force with skill sets needed to meet future local employment opportunities in site reclamation and landscaping and to support the transfer and practice of First Nation traditional knowledge. The project also creates a sustainable learning environment for community members and visitors as the landscape around the Learning Centre is intended to become a cultural programming “classroom” where knowledge on indigenous plants and their traditional use will be shared. The project will create approximately 2,480 hours of employment for eight people. Contact: Nelson Lepine at (867) 393-2356.
Selkirk First Nation – $297,525 – To complete renovations to the Link Building and community hall including kitchen upgrades, barrier-free washrooms and an exit door in order to meet safety and code regulations as well as community needs. The Link Building and community hall are considered the community hub and a valuable community asset. Contact: Sandra Roach/Darcy Marcotte at (867) 537-3331.
City of Dawson – $97,729 – To build new trails, upgrade existing trails and restore historic trails as outlined in the Dawson City Trail Management Plan. Properly planned and managed trails provide opportunities for health and wellness, environmental protection, climate change mitigation, social cohesion, outdoor education and economic development through tourism and residents attraction. The project will create approximately 4,350 hours of employment for ten people. Contact: Marta Selassie at (867) 993-7400.
Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in – $ 62,640 – To develop construction-ready architectural drawings in consultation with geotechnical, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers, remove vermiculite and replace fuel tank in preparation for future renovations of the Youth Centre. This project contributes to the long term goal of having a youth centre that provides healthy and active programming for the youth of Dawson City. Such programming supports the development of youths’ potential and provides alternative to violence, substance use and crime. Contact: Gwyneth Williams or Peter Marangu at (867) 993-7100.
Polarettes & Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club – $ 82,364 – To replace and upgrade gymnastics specific training equipment. The replacement of the gymnastics equipment will have a significant impact on the training environment for the elite gymnasts and will benefit all users of the facility by ensuring equipment is up to current standards. It will enable the club to host national events and assist Yukon in hosting the 2020 Arctic Winter Games. Contact: Kimberly Jones at (867) 668-4794.
Blood Ties Four Directions Centre Society – $100,000 – To construct five tiny housing units on one downtown city lot that will provide supported housing to Whitehorse's most vulnerable community members. This project will fill an identified gap in services and provide housing for those vulnerable citizens who are not in a position to be housed within the standard rental market and who have difficulty in gaining and maintaining housing. The project will create approximately 640 hours of employment for seven people. Contact: Patricia Bacon at (867) 335-9067.
The Heart of Riverdale Community Centre – $ 86,500 – To replace the existing play space with updated and safer equipment. Indoor play spaces are not only fun for children, but they assist with the development of social and communication skills, contribute to physical strength and health, assist with the development of coordination and balance skills, teach problem solving and keep children active and healthy. Contact: Andrea Simpson-Fowler at (867) 667-6700.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Amelie Quirke-Tomlins
Communications, Economic Development