The Community Development Fund is being awarded to 24 community projects across the Yukon. These projects will receive a total of $621,892 in Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding.
Sport Yukon is receiving funding to support the long-term sustainability of the Klondike Road Relay while the Mendenhall Community Association will improve its neighbourhood playground. Other funding recipients include the Whitehorse Aboriginal Women’s Circle to expand their office space, the Klondike Visitor’s Association to modernize the lighting system at Diamond Tooth Gerties and the Yukon Wildlife Preserve to purchase equipment that will help with the rehabilitation of wildlife returning to the wild as well as improve the quality of life for injured or geriatric animals.
The next deadline to apply for Tier 1 funding (projects $20,000 and under) is May 16, 2022, and for Tier 2 funding (projects between $20,000 and $75,000) is April 19, 2022.
Community organizations provide valuable experiences and services to Yukoners and visitors that contribute to our local economy, promote wellbeing and create jobs for people across the territory. I am happy to see so many organizations receive funding that will improve facilities and provide new recreation opportunities across the Yukon.
Securing funds from CDF to reinvigorate our outdoor space is going to mean more opportunities to gather, play and enjoy the outdoors. We're so excited for a summer of barbeques and playdates at our newly refurbished playground.
It’s an exciting time for the Klondike Road Relay as the race approaches its fortieth anniversary milestone. Because of the Community Development Fund’s assistance to the Strategic and Safety Planning project, we can build a safe and prosperous race that will last another 40 years, and many more! This will assist Sport Yukon in impacting the physical and mental well-being of all Yukoners.
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less on January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15.
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 on April 15 and September 15.
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 on January 15.
The Community Development Fund has awarded $166,330 in Tier 1 funding towards 16 projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners:
Downtown Urban Gardeners Society
$14,030 – To replace eight existing old garden beds with 13 new ones. The Whitehorse Community Garden is a community based sustainable food security initiative that promotes healthy living through gardening as an outdoor activity that creates physical and mental health benefits and encourages the sharing of knowledge and community building. Contact: Marie Carr - (867) 332-8563
Golden Age Society
$5,577 – To hire a contractor who will install security cameras both inside and outside of the facility that will allow for 24 hours of recorded surveillance. Over the past number of years, the offices have been the subject of continuous minor thefts. Contact: Diane McPhee - (867) 633-6509
Blackwell Park Foundation
$10,557 – To install LED lights and poles at the neighbourhood skating rink, as well as a covered bench for site users when putting on their skates. The addition of a lighted skating rink will enhance year round sport and recreation opportunities within the subdivision. Contact: Joseph Graham - (867) 689-5800
Dawson Society for Children & Families (DSCF)
$5,400 – To hire a consultant to update a feasibility study to determine the optimal way to expand their operations to meet the growing need for licensed childcare spaces in Dawson City. With a waiting list that averages 30 plus children, DSCF are having difficulty meeting the growing demand for childcare in Dawson. Childcare is an essential element in every community by helping preserve an available workforce, stimulating the economy, preparing children for kindergarten and providing social interaction for children. Contact: Sue Lancaster - (867) 993-5167
Yukon Licensed Practical Nurses Association
$2,790 – To update their website to build knowledge, capacity and awareness of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)s in the territory. This website will improve the visibility of LPNs in the territory and support building trust in the community. Contact: Adam Mackie - (867) 334-6405
Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society
$9,591 – To purchase stem cell and platelet-rich plasma processing equipment. The preserve is home to 12 species of over 200 northern animals with diverse age ranges. Animals living at the preserve are often able to live a long life and often reach ages beyond their normal life expectancy due to the quality of life at the Preserve. In addition the Yukon Wildlife Preserve receives between 50 – 80 injured and orphaned wildlife each year, who are in need of rehabilitation in order to be returned to the wild. This equipment will help with the rehabilitation for wildlife returning to the wild as well as the quality of life for injured or geriatric animals. Contact: Maria Hallock - (867) 456-7328
Inspire Power Society
$3,300 – To organize a half day retreat offering holistic approaches to women’s wellness. The event will be available to anybody who identifies as a woman and will incorporate healthier practices in an individual’s daily life, which will benefit the individuals attending, their families, friends and the community. Contact: Jessica Kish - (647) 992-4045
Stewart Valley Community Market Society
$13,961 – To purchase additional 10’ x 15’ aluminium shelter canopies and a cargo trailer to store and transport equipment to and from the market venue. The markets serve as public gathering places for people from different ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic communities. They also promote partnerships, facilitate community involvement and strengthen social and community networks. Contact: Sandy Washburn - (705) 205-3723
Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council
$7,581 – To expand their office space by creating two new cubicles with freestanding panel systems on the main floor and creating a separation in the basement to make room for meetings. The Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council administer the Indigenous Skill and Employment Training (ISET) Program designed to help Indigenous people improve their skills and find employment. The additional office space is required in order to allow these programs to run without interrupting other existing drop-in services and meetings. Contact: Claudia Riveros - (867) 667-6162 Ext. 1007
Societe d’histoire francophone du Yukon
$5,890 – The society will hire a consultant to develop a five-year in-depth strategic plan. It will give direction to the organization, help develop its goals and objectives and produce a framework for achieving and measuring them. Good strategic planning ensures effective governance of the organization and transparency with its partners and members. The successful implementation of a good strategic plan will allow the organization to adhere to and deliver on its mandate. Contact: Sylvie Binette - (867) 667-4681
Sport Yukon
$14,400 – To hire a consultant to complete an international environmental scan of relay race best practices, meet with local authorities, committees and focus groups to develop a strategic plan including an implementation plan to ensure the sustainability of the Klondike Road Relay (KRR). Redeveloping the KRR to current post-pandemic standards using best practices for safety and communication will ensure a sustainable future for the event. Contact: Tracey Bilsky - (867) 668-4236
Granger Community Association
$6,644 – To hire a contractor who will install two basketball nets on stands at the Granger skating rink site. Adding basketball nets for summer use will expand the options for summer activities in the park and appeal to younger residents by giving them an outlet for physical activity and create a gathering spot for socializing. Contact: Fraser Pearce - (867) 689-8106
Mendenhall Community Association
$19,242 – To regenerate and beautify the neighbourhood playground through landscaping, earthwork, outdoor furniture and gardens. This work will provide a safe attractive space for community events and outdoor gatherings. Contact: Jordan Aslett - (867) 332-7676
Yukon Reads Society
$20,000 – To hire a consultant to update and redesign their website, conduct a social media campaign, complete photo shoots and a mail out campaign of posters and sign-up sheets to communities in order to increase the reach of the Imagination Library. Improving access to literacy resources early in life makes a difference to an individual’s overall health and success throughout the rest of their life. Contact: Krista Prochazka - (867) 336-1230
Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre (VFWC)
$15,867 – To hire a consultant to complete a building assessment of the centre in order to develop a renovation and maintenance plan. This is a first step to enable VFWC to understand what updates and retrofits are required in order to keep their door open and accessible to as many Yukon women as possible. Contact: Veronique Maggiore - (867) 667-2693
Carcross Rod & Gun Club
$11,500 – To hire a contractor to replace the leaking roof, install a proper exterior door and an entry ramp. This will ensure the community will continue to have a safe space to meet and provide education on gun safety. Contact: Doug Burgis - (867) 335-4017
The Community Development Fund has awarded $455,562 in Tier 2 funding towards eight projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners:
Klondike Visitors Association
$72,474 – To modernize the lighting system within Diamond Tooth Gerties by replacing the current 40 year old stage lights with advanced and energy efficient LED theatrical equipment. Contact: Viki Paulins - (867) 993-3448
Association Franco Yukonaise
$27,929 – To digitize the back issues of the newspaper “Aurore Boreale” and make them available to the public. This project will play an important role in improving resources for our French speaking population. Contact: Maryne Dumaine - (867) 668-2663
Yukon Breeze Sailing Society
$59,918 – To increase their sailboat fleet and secure their storage capacity. The purchase of the double-handed boats will allow Yukon Breeze to offer adult sailing lessons and will give Yukon youth the opportunity to join university-racing teams. Contact: Melissa Halpenny - (867) 689-6353
Whitehorse Aboriginal Women’s Circle
$75,000 – To complete research on oral history and archival research of Yukon Association of Non Status Indians (YANSI) in the Yukon. . This project will highlight a significant aspect of Yukon history by identifying key leaders in YANSI and conducting oral interviews to record essential information and reviewing existing archives to document the role of YANSI in areas, such as Yukon land claims negotiations and settlements. and all issues related to the loss of status for Yukon First Nations people. Contact: Adeline Webber - (867) 334-5600
Yukon Fish & Game Association
$49,014 – To host the 2022 Thinhorn Sheep Summit III in Whitehorse. The summit will bring together a number of wild sheep conservation stakeholders for a focused two day workshop to share information, data, experiences, management challenges and discuss a myriad of topics pertinent to current and future management of Dall and Stone sheep in Alaska, Northern B.C., Northwest Territories and the Yukon. Contact: Charles Shewan - (867) 334-8481
Climb Yukon Association
$48,900 – To hire professional services to complete an up-to-date market analysis, business plan and operational plan to help identify how best to serve the community, recognize what programs and services are desired by the public and how to address these needs in a new facility. Contact: Vanessa Scharf - (867) 334-2170
Association of Yukon Paragliders and Hang Gliders
$56,577 – To offer free paragliding lessons and certification for Dawson City youth. In addition to lessons in paragliding, a chainsaw safety course will be offered to students to teach them how to maintain and develop launch and landing zones in and near Dawson City. The project supports developing sport opportunities that could attract visitors, as well as developing healthy communities. Contact: Denise Faulhaber - (867) 689-4345
Challenge Disability Resource Group
$65,750 – To complete a rollout and engagement strategy to launch their new name “Opportunities Yukon”. The current name is a barrier to the organization’s success and the change will help the organization to reach its goal of making Whitehorse a more inclusive place for all. Contact: Jillian Hardie - (867) 668-4421
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development