Committees established to oversee implementation of Putting People First and Our Clean Future plans

Two new committees have been established to oversee the implementation of the Putting People First and Our Clean Future plans.

The Putting People First and Our Clean Future plans outline significant initiatives for the Yukon government over the coming decade and were endorsed by all three territorial political parties during the 2021 election.

The Putting People First report lays out how to transform Yukon’s health and social services system into a more integrated, collaborative and person-centred system that will better meet the needs of Yukoners. It was endorsed by the Yukon government in August, 2020. 76 recommendations included in the report identify changes to make services more effective, provide better value for money and improve outcomes and experiences for clients, patients, families and health and social service providers.

Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy was endorsed and released by the Yukon government in September, 2020. The Yukon-wide strategy outlines actions the Government of Yukon and its partners across the territory will take to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners can access reliable, affordable and renewable energy. The strategy includes targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve resilience to the impacts of climate change.

The new committees are tasked with overseeing and reporting on progress of this work. Each committee includes a representative from the Yukon Liberal government and the New Democratic Party Caucus and will report out twice annually on the progress to date.

These plans are the foundation for a brighter future for our territory. The implementation of the Putting People First report will make the Yukon a healthcare leader in Canada, and the Our Clean Future strategy ensures our Yukon’s transition to a green economy creates opportunities across the territory as we move towards a more clean and sustainable future. The committees established to oversee implementation will help keep Yukoners informed of the progress on this important work.

Premier Sandy Silver 

We’ve all seen too many ground-breaking reports sit on shelves and collect dust. A lot of work has already been done by the folks behind Putting People First and Our Clean Future. It is our job as leaders to listen to what Yukoners have been asking for. I’m hopeful these committees will help turn these recommendations into action that will make life better for Yukoners.

Yukon NDP Leader Kate White

Quick facts
  • These committees are a commitment of the Confidence and Supply Agreement and are supported by both the Yukon Liberal government and the Yukon NDP Caucus.

  • The Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) was signed on April 28, 2021. The agreement is between the Liberals and the NDP and lays out 16 policy initiatives that the parties will work towards. The agreement is in effect until January 31, 2023.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Francois Picard
Chief of Staff (he/him)
Yukon NDP Caucus
Tel. 867-336-2025 / 1-800-661-0408, extension 7051

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