Challenge Disability Resource Group purchases downtown lot with support from Government of Yukon

Joint news release with Challenge Disability Resource Group

The Government of Yukon has transferred $750,231 to Challenge Disability Resource Group (CDRG) for the purchase of vacant land located at 704 Main Street. CDRG plans to build a 53-unit building with a mix of affordable, supportive and market housing – the Cornerstone Affordable and Supportive Housing Development. The building will contribute to the diversification of housing options in the territory, including long-term housing for individuals experiencing homelessness and people with moderate disabilities or mental illness.

The Government of Yukon and CDRG are finalizing an agreement about additional funding support for the construction of the Cornerstone development.

The City of Whitehorse amended their land disposition policy to accommodate non-profit organizations who may need longer to secure financing to purchase land. This included time extensions without penalty and an additional extension of 60 days. CDRG was able to access these new policy amendments to secure financing for the purchase of this vacant land.

This community partnership is a strategic investment that alleviates affordable housing pressures within our community. Safe, adequate housing that meets the needs of families and individuals is a key focus of this government.

Support for the land purchase is part of a larger commitment that this government will make to Challenge Disability Resource Group. We are excited to continue support for this project as we know it will bring great benefits to the community.

Minister of Health and Social Services and Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Pauline Frost

We are very grateful for the support we received from the Government of Yukon and look forward to coming to an agreement on the next phase of this project.

We would also like to acknowledge the policy amendments and the work city employees, management, Mayor and Council have all put in to move this valuable development.

Challenge Disability Resource Group executive director Jillian Hardie

Quick facts
  • CDRG entered into an agreement with the City of Whitehorse to purchase land in March 2017.

  • The Challenge Cornerstone proposal includes 46 affordable one-bedroom units, seven affordable ownership units, commercial space on the ground level and office space for CDRG on the second level.

  • CDRG’s proposed project meets Government of Yukon’s priorities of increasing affordability, quality and accessibility of housing as a way to promote quality of life and the well-being of communities.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Meagan Deuling
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

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