Cannabis Yukon retail store to close

Updated on October 17, 2019, to correct details about cannabis sales

The Cannabis Yukon retail store will close permanently at 7 p.m. on October 17, 2019.  Since legalization, just under $4 million worth of cannabis has been sold in Yukon, helping to displace the territory’s illicit market.

In addition to legal, controlled access to cannabis, the retail store has provided detailed product and health information to help Yukoners make informed decisions and engage in responsible consumption.

In preparation for the closure, a tender for bids will be released for the purchase of either the store or the store’s assets.

The tender for bids is intended to identify a prospective buyer who may be interested in a turn-key operation, and allow respondents to start business planning and apply for a cannabis retail licence. Once bids are reviewed, the Yukon Liquor Corporation will announce if the store will be sold as a complete operation or if its assets will be sold independently.

Since opening, Cannabis Yukon’s customers have told us how much they appreciate our staff. On behalf of the Corporation, I want to commend the Cannabis Yukon staff for their excellent customer service and passion for this new industry. These folks have helped Yukoners make informed decisions about cannabis use and contributed to the displacement of the illicit market in the territory. We are pleased to see the establishment and growth of Yukon’s private cannabis retail sector and happy to fulfil our commitment to close the government retail store.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Yukon currently has one private retail cannabis store in Whitehorse and one in Dawson City.

  • The Cannabis Licensing Board has approved five cannabis licences; three for Whitehorse locations, one in Dawson City and one in Carmacks. The Board is in the process of reviewing additional applications for licences in Watson Lake and Whitehorse.

  • will continue to offer online sales throughout Yukon, as well as detailed product and health information.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Scott Westerlaken
Marketing and Social Responsibility Coordinator, Yukon Liquor Corporation

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