Candidates selected for Youth Panel on Climate Change

A diverse group of 13 young climate leaders have been selected to form the Government of Yukon’s first Youth Panel on Climate Change. The panel members were chosen in December and met with Premier Sandy Silver and Minister of Community Services John Streicker during a virtual meeting on January 19.

Panel members include:

  • Abeer Ahmad, 21, Whitehorse
  • Alyssa Bergeron, 23, Watson Lake
  • Azreil Allen, 20, Haines Junction
  • Bruce Porter, 15, Whitehorse
  • Jagger Jamieson, 23, Whitehorse
  • Jasmine Bill, 24, Whitehorse
  • Kadrienne Hummel, 23, Mayo
  • Koome Marangu, 12, Whitehorse
  • Lexie Braden, 20, Dawson
  • Min Stad, 17, Carcross
  • Sarah Booth, 12, Whitehorse
  • Sophie Molgat, 14, Whitehorse
  • Sruthee Govindaraj, 24, Whitehorse

The Government of Yukon recognizes the great leadership youth are taking, and supports empowering the next generation of leaders. This panel fulfils a commitment in Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. It will provide space for Yukon youth to share their perspectives and give advice on Yukon’s climate change actions.

The youth panel will share their insights with government in the format of their choosing. For example, they may choose to provide a formal report with recommendations, a multi-media presentation documenting the perspectives of Yukon youth, or even organize a youth-led climate action summit or event.

Panel members’ biographies are available at 

Congratulations to each of the youth climate leaders who were selected to be part of this important panel. Climate change remains our biggest challenge and youth voices need to be heard as we create a more sustainable territory for future generations.

Premier Sandy Silver

This is a talented group of young Yukoners who are already making a difference in our communities. I hope this panel will empower them, their passion and dedication, so that they can continue to lead. Our clean future is truly theirs and it is important they play a role in shaping it.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

I am very proud to be a member of the Youth Panel on Climate Change and am optimistic about the things we can accomplish together.

Panel member Alyssa Bergeron

I am really excited to discuss with other youth how we can assist the government in moving forward and acting on the climate crisis. I hope to learn lots from others and be able to contribute on this panel.

Panel member Min Stad

I am excited to be part of the Yukon Youth Panel on Climate Change. I have lived in many parts of Canada, including Prince Edward Island, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon. I have seen the effects of climate change and I would like to help make a difference.

Panel member Sarah Booth

Yukon is experiencing the effects of climate change at an accelerated rate, affecting everyone. It is a social justice issue and Yukon’s youth are extremely passionate about it. I look forward to collaborating with and engaging our youth to bring their voice to the decision-making table.

Panel member Sruthee Govindaraj

I am very excited to be apart of the first Yukon Youth Panel on Climate Change, I am eager to learn from my peers and excited for all the undiscovered possibilities.

Panel member Jasmine Bill

I am humbled to be chosen to sit on this panel. I look forward to meeting other participants and gaining knowledge. Mahsi Cho and Kwänischìs for taking the time to get to know more about me.

Panel member Azreil Allen

Quick facts
  • In the October 2019 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Yukon recognized there is a climate emergency and committed to creating a youth panel on climate change.

  • Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy outlines how the territory will take action to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners have access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy.

  • The Youth Panel on Climate Change will be supported by BYTE – Empowering Youth.

  • Nearly 50 Yukoners aged 12 to 25 applied before October 20, 2020.

  • Panel members were selected to serve a one-year term and will receive honoraria in support of their commitment to attend meetings, provide advice and perspectives, and participate in other activities.

  • The Government of Yukon reviewed applications and selected panel members collaboratively with BYTE and CPAWS.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Cam Heke
Executive Council Office

Erin Loxam

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