Candidates selected for the second Youth Panel on Climate Change

A diverse group of 10 young climate leaders have been selected to form the Government of Yukon’s second Youth Panel on Climate Change.

Panel members include:

  • Han Shier 
  • Keegan Newnham-Boyd 
  • Koltun Jim 
  • Maddy Mead
  • Natilee Thompson
  • Preet Dhillon
  • Sasha Emery
  • Paul Caesar-Jules
  • Toshibaa Govindaraj
  • Tyra Gill

Youth are taking a leadership role in addressing the climate emergency and this panel will provide an opportunity for them to share their perspectives on the Yukon’s climate change actions. This panel fulfils a commitment in Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. With this second Panel, the Government of Yukon is supporting the leadership of more youth as they step forward as the next generation of leaders.

The youth panel will participate in activities that will add to the Yukon’s ambitions related to climate change, energy and a green economy. They will have the opportunity to gain skills and experience to empower them to continue to take action in their schools and communities on issues related to climate change, and to offer their insights and voice in the fight against climate change.

Panel members’ biographies are available at

Congratulations to each of the youth climate leaders who were selected to be part of the second panel. Climate change remains our biggest challenge as a territory. It is important that we include the perspectives of youth in the actions we take to address climate change that will affect them the most. I look forward to meeting with the panel and reviewing their recommendations on how we can create a more sustainable territory for future generations.

Premier Sandy Silver

Once again, we are seeing another talented group of young Yukoners who want to make a difference in their communities. I hope this experience will empower them and provide opportunities to help them become our climate leaders of tomorrow. As our clean future is really theirs, it is important that youth play a role in shaping it.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

I look forward to working with this panel of passionate, motivated Yukon youth to advocate for climate action

Panellist Han Shier 

I am excited to meet other young people in the territory passionate about climate change, and to exchange perspectives and ideas with them.” 

Panellist Toshibaa Govindaraj 

BYTE was truly blown away by all of the incredible applicants for the 2022 cohort. We are so excited to be working with these ten panellists and to support them in their visions for climate action in the Yukon.

Panel Coordinator Emily Ross 

Quick facts
  • This is a commitment in Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. The strategy outlines how the territory will take action to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners have access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy.

  • The Youth Panel on Climate Change will be supported by BYTE – Empowering Youth.

  • Twenty-six Yukoners aged 13 to 25 submitted applications. 

  • Panel members were selected to serve one term, until October 15, 2022, and will receive monthly honoraria for their time and effort while on the panel.

  • BYTE and CPAWS reviewed applications and recommended panel members for approval by the Government of Yukon.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Oshea Jephson
Communications, Executive Council Office


Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment

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