Canada and Yukon to make significant investments that will improve the lives of Northern Canadians

Joint news release with the Government of Canada

The governments of Canada and Yukon are working together to make long-term infrastructure investments that will create jobs and economic growth, build inclusive communities and support a low carbon, green economy – leading to a higher quality of life for Northern Canadians.

Today, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Sandy Silver, Premier of Yukon, announced the signing of a bilateral agreement that will provide more than $594 million over the next decade in shared funding for infrastructure projects under the Investing in Canada plan. The Government of Canada is providing a total of over $445 million, up to 75 per cent of eligible expenditures. The projects supported through this agreement will be cost-shared with the territorial government, municipalities, First Nations and other partners. This higher cost share takes into consideration the unique challenges faced by the territories. As well, Indigenous recipients can use additional federal funding from other sources to a maximum federal contribution of 100 per cent on projects.

The Investing in Canada plan will see the governments of Canada and Yukon make unprecedented investments in green infrastructure, recreational, cultural, and community infrastructure, rural and northern communities’ infrastructure, and public transit.

These investments will make a positive difference for people across the territory, including:

  • clean air and water;
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions;
  • energy security and reduced reliance on diesel in the North;
  • smarter and more efficient communities;
  • sustainable water and wastewater management;
  • cultural spaces that make communities great places to live;
  • better transportation and digital infrastructure for people living in remote communities; and
  • better movement of people and goods.

Across Canada more than $33 billion in federal funding will be invested through these new bilateral agreements with provinces and territories. Provinces and territories will develop three-year plans that will provide information on how they will implement their infrastructure projects.

I am pleased that Yukon and the Government of Canada have reached an agreement that will benefit communities across the territory for years to come. Today’s agreement will provide the long-term predictable funding required to meet the unique challenges of life in the North. Investments in infrastructure are key to building a strong Canada—connecting people, creating jobs and strengthening our economy and communities for the future. I look forward to continuing to work with our territorial, municipal and Indigenous partners to make strategic investments in Yukon that will build inclusive, resilient communities where everyone has opportunities to succeed.

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Building infrastructure is challenging and expensive in Yukon given our short construction season, limited resources, and changing climate. This agreement provides us with the assurance of long-term funding for infrastructure in our territory, allowing us to plan well into the future. The Government of Yukon will continue to partner with municipalities and First Nations to identify local solutions to local priorities that will benefit our economy and the well-being of all our communities.

The Honourable Sandy Silver, Premier of Yukon

The Government of Canada is committed to making sure Yukon communities have the support they need to help grow the economy and address local infrastructure priorities. Maintaining and improving northern infrastructure will ensure continuous support to the health, safety, and prosperity of all residents, while helping create a better quality of life for families living and working in the North.

The Honourable Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament for Yukon

Quick facts
  • Under the Investing in Canada plan, the Government of Canada is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.

  • Under the first phase of the plan, Infrastructure Canada has approved nearly 3,500 projects across Canada worth a combined investment of more than $8.4 billion.

  • As part of the Plan, Infrastructure Canada will deliver $33 billion over the next decade through new bilateral agreements with provinces and territories under four funding streams: 

    • $20.1 billion for public transit;
    • $9.2 billion for green infrastructure;
    • $1.3 billion for community, cultural and recreational infrastructure; and
    • $2 billion for wide-ranging infrastructure needs in rural and northern communities. In addition, the $400 million Arctic Energy Fund will be delivered under this stream to support energy security in the territories.
  • This marks the eighth new long-term infrastructure agreement the Government of Canada has signed with provincial and territorial partners.

Media contact

Brook Simpson
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services
Government of Yukon

Infrastructure Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154
Twitter: @INFC_eng
Web: Infrastructure Canada

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