Can Do Farm’s Mario Ley and Dionne Laybourne are Yukon’s Farm Family of the Year for 2020

The Government of Yukon and the agricultural community have chosen Mario Ley and Dionne Laybourne of Can Do Farm as Yukon’s Farm Family of the Year for 2020.

From a start in hay production, Mario Ley and Dionne Laybourne have grown their operation over the years into raising and selling cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys on their Can Do Farm properties in the Ibex valley outside Whitehorse.

Yukon’s Minister Responsible for Agriculture Ranj Pillai presented the award to Mario and Dionne at Yukonstruct on Saturday at the Yukon’s 33nd annual North of 60° Agriculture Conference. 

The hard work, determination and community involvement displayed by Mario Ley and Dionne Laybourne are recognized in the excellent quality of products they provide to all of their customers. The Can Do Farm exemplifies the bright future of local food supply for Yukoners.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Mario and Dionne were chosen by their peers for their hard work, community involvement and dedication to producing quality products.

  • The Government of Yukon works with the farming community each year to choose a Yukon Farmer or Farm Family of the Year. The award is given to a farmer, farm family, or farm advocate in the community who shows the commitment and passion for agriculture, and excellence in accomplishments, volunteerism, good farm management skills and use of innovative ideas.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Rod Jacob
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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