The Government of Yukon is calling for applications to form the next Youth Panel on Climate Change that will provide perspectives and advice to the Yukon government on how to address climate change in the territory.
Yukon youth ages 13 to 25 are encouraged to apply. The deadline for application is January 21, 2022.
Panel members will reflect the diversity of Yukon youth and will have a keen interest in helping others learn about climate change and how to take meaningful action.
Seven panel members will be selected for a nine-month term and will receive honoraria in support of their commitment to attend meetings, provide advice and perspectives and participate in other activities.
The youth panel will:
- participate in activities that build capacity, leadership skills and increase educational opportunities related to climate change issues across the Yukon;
- provide advice and perspectives to the Government of Yukon on issues related to Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy;
- engage with young people across the Yukon on issues related to climate change, energy and the green economy; and
- give youth a voice and an opportunity to offer their insight to help programs and policies that the Yukon is undertaking to fight climate change.
The panel supports the objective in Our Clean Future strategy to educate and empower youth as the next generation of leaders.
More information about the Youth Panel on Climate Change and how to submit an application is available at Yukon Youth Panel on Climate Change.
Climate change is the biggest challenge we face today and it is important that youth have an opportunity to have their perspectives heard on the decisions that will affect them the most. I look forward to hearing from Yukon youth on how our territory can meet its emissions reduction target and continue to make investments that address the climate emergency and build a more resilient Yukon.
Yukon youth understand that they will be the most affected by climate change and they are stepping up to take action now. I encourage young people across the territory to apply to the next Youth Panel on Climate Change to share their insights on how we can all work together to reduce carbon emissions in the Yukon and build a brighter, more resilient future.
Our Clean Future outlines a path forward in addressing climate change and shifting to a sustainable future. Yukon youth are preparing right now for the green economy and our government is looking forward to hearing how we can best support them on this journey.
In October 2021, the first Youth Panel on Climate Change presented their recommendations to the Yukon government.
Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy outlines how the territory proposes to take action to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners have access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy.
Coordination of the Youth Panel’s activities will be supported by BYTE –Empowering Youth.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Oshea Jephson
Communications, Executive Council Office
Saskrita Shrestha
Communications, Environment