Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee is encouraging Yukoners to recognize those who are making Yukon communities safer by nominating them for a Minister of Justice Community Safety Award.
The nomination period for the 2021 Community Safety Awards is now open and nominations will be accepted until August 19, 2021. Successful recipients will be presented with their awards at a ceremony in November 2021.
Nominations will be reviewed by the Community Safety Awards Nominating Committee. Those selected are noted to have made a significant difference in the lives of Yukoners, either through their jobs or as volunteers. Past award nominees have included youth, volunteers, first responders, law enforcement officers and community groups or programs.
Many Yukoners go above and beyond every day, whether it be by mentoring youth, helping vulnerable people, supporting victims of crime or fostering crucial community partnerships. These compassionate and driven individuals deserve to be recognized for their contributions, which have so many ripple effects across our territory. If you know someone who works hard to build safer and stronger communities in the Yukon, please consider nominating them for a Community Safety Award.
Community Safety Awards are presented in the following categories: youth; lifetime contribution to community safety; outstanding contribution to community safety; outstanding community policing; mentorship; bridge building; and outstanding project or team, volunteer and first response.
Nominations need not specify a category for award. If no category is included in the nomination, the nomination committee will select the appropriate category based on the information provided.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Fiona Azizaj
Communications, Justice