Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard is pleased to announce Tara Borin as the third recipient of the Borealis Prize. A Dawson City resident, Tara published their debut full-length poetry collection, The Pit, in 2021. Their poems have been published in Resistance (U of R Press), PRISM International, Prairie Fire, emerge 19 (SFU Press) and Best New Poets in Canada 2018 (Quattro Books). They are also involved, on a volunteer basis, with various literary associations.
It is my absolute pleasure to be handing out the third Borealis Prize to Tara Borin for their numerous literary contributions to our territory. From being an executive member of the BC and Yukon Book Prizes to a founding member of Yukon Words along with publishing their poetry collection, they are playing an active part in the development of the literary world in the Yukon. I am especially excited to be here in Dawson City during the Dawson Daily News Print and Publishing Festival to hand out the prize to Tara in person. I would also like to thank the jury for its work in choosing the recipient.
Tara Borin has made significant contributions to Yukon’s culture. They are a hard-working, talented writer and community builder whose dedication to language and expression in all forms has helped the territory’s literary culture become more engaging, relevant and reflective of all Yukoners. As Yukon literary culture continues to evolve, we wish to honour Tara Borin’s contributions as a creator and a collaborator in support of amplifying essential, diverse and compelling voices and stories.
The Borealis Prize was established in 2020 by the Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard, in collaboration with the BC and Yukon Book Prizes, to recognize excellence in contributions by the writers, publishers, editors, and literary community builders of the Yukon.
Recipients receive a bowl from Lumel Studios’ Aurora Borealis collection, a certificate and a cash prize of $2,000.
The 2020 recipients were Patti Flather and Leonard Linklater and the 2021 recipient was Joanna Lilley.
Find more information about the Borealis Prize.
Kerri Scholz
Private Secretary, Office of the Commissioner of Yukon