Booster shot appointments now available for Yukoners aged 18 and over

Following recommendations from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health, COVID-19 boosters are now available to eligible Yukoners aged 18 and over.

People in Whitehorse aged 18 and older are now able to book their booster shots at the Whitehorse Vaccine Clinic. In communities, some booster clinics are now open for people aged 18 and older and more clinics will be added in the coming weeks. All Yukoners aged 18 and over who are eligible to get a booster should be able to receive one before the end of January.

People are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster six months after they have completed their primary series, which is two doses for most people and three doses for people who are immunocompromised.  

Children’s COVID-19 vaccine clinics across the territory started on December 6, 2021, and the current priority is for children to get their first doses. From December 13 to 17 the Whitehorse Vaccine Clinic will solely offer appointments for children aged five to 11. No adult vaccine appointments will be available at the Whitehorse clinic during this time.

Pfizer now recommended for people aged 18 to 29

Following recommendations from NACI and the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health, adults aged 18 to 29 will now be offered Pfizer (Comirnaty) for all doses, including their booster shots. This is due to a rare association with heart inflammation in young adults, mainly males. Adults who are 30 years of age and older will be offered Moderna (SpikeVax) for their booster shot.

We know that vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19. As we prepare for the holiday season and reflect on this past year, I want to thank our front-line health care workers who continue to work so hard to and keep Yukoners safe. Between now and the end of January, please get your booster shot to continue to ensure you have the strongest protection against COVID-19 and to stop the spread of the virus in our territory. I ask all Yukoners to be patient when booking their appointments and to be kind to staff when they get their vaccines.

Minister of Health Tracy-Anne McPhee

I am pleased all adult Yukoners will now have the opportunity to receive their booster shots. Over the past months, we have seen how these vaccines are essential to prevent severe COVID-19. With our adult population receiving their boosters, we will have an even higher level of protection against the spread of COVID-19 this winter. The sooner we all step up for our booster shots, the sooner we will all have better protection against the impact of COVID-19.

acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

Quick facts
  • Appointments for Whitehorse residents can be made online at or by calling 1-877-374-0425.

  • Residents in most rural communities can make an appointment by calling their local health centre. More information on clinic dates and times is at

  • Additional clinics are being made available where possible in rural communities for people aged 18 to 49 to get their boosters.

  • Heart inflammation following vaccination is rare. In most cases the heart inflammation is mild and resolves quickly. Active surveillance of adverse events following immunizations is conducted in the Yukon.

  • Walk-ins will be accommodated when possible but not guaranteed.

  • The Whitehorse Vaccine Clinic will be closed December 24 to 28 inclusive and December 31 to January 3 inclusive.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Dana Clark
Communications, Health and Social Services

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