Boil water advisory for residents of Southern Lakes, Lake Laberge, Kusawa Lake and Takhini River areas

Please note this advisory has been updated with additional information about impacted properties.

A boil water advisory has been issued for residents of the Southern Lakes, Lake Laberge, Kusawa Lake and Takhini River areas who use private wells or underground drinking water storage tanks that might flood, or have been covered by surface water contamination, due to flooding.

The advisory is a precautionary measure to protect public health. The rising water levels means there is the potential for disease-causing bacteria and viruses, as well as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, to enter the groundwater.

If you are using water from a private well that has been, or is likely to be, affected by rising waters in these areas:

  • Boil the water for two minutes (rolling boil) before using it for drinking, cleaning food, preparing food, baby formula or fruit drinks, washing dishes, making ice, or brushing teeth.

As the water rises, other contaminants can also be introduced, including oil from residential oil tanks. Residents who suspect their water is contaminated by chemicals, or notice their water has an unfamiliar taste or odour, should use bottled water for drinking and the other purposes. Boiling water will not remove chemicals or hydrocarbons.

Residents should keep a 72 hour supply of water on hand in case water supplies are impacted by flooding. You can either store bottled water, which can be purchased from the store in advance, or fill clean plastic milk jugs (or other containers) with water.

For information about boil water advisories, email or phone 867-667-8391 or toll free at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8391.

For information about the specific locations affected by this advisory, email or phone 867-332-7084.

For media inquiries, email or phone 867-667-3010.

News release #:
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