Boil water advisory for residents of Carmacks with private wells

A boil water advisory has been issued for residents of the Village of Carmacks and Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation who use private wells.

The advisory is a precautionary measure to protect public health. Private wells may be impacted by flooding and high ground water from rising water levels on the Yukon River.

If you are using water from a private well:

  • Boil the water for two minutes (rolling boil) before using it for drinking, cleaning food, preparing food, baby formula or fruit drinks, washing dishes, making ice, or brushing teeth.

Residents should keep a 72 hour supply of water on hand in case water supplies are impacted by flooding. You can either store bottled water, which can be purchased from the store in advance, or fill clean plastic milk jugs (or other containers) with water.

For further information please contact Environmental Health Services at 867-667-8391 or toll free at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8391.

Media contact

Clarissa Wall
Communications, Health and Social Services

News release #:
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