Baseline evaluation of Yukon’s Science Strategy complete

In January 2016, the Government of Yukon released its Science Strategy. The strategy outlines the government’s vision and goals to develop and manage scientific knowledge in Yukon while establishing a long-term approach to develop and invest in science in order to support evidence-based decision making. The goals of the strategy support best practices in:

  • collecting;
  • gathering;
  • communicating; and
  • storing scientific knowledge.

A baseline assessment report was developed by Qatalyst Research Group based on the written and verbal feedback of over 200 internal and external respondents who provided input through surveys, interviews and focus groups. 

This baseline evaluation provides information on how the Government of Yukon conducts science, facilitates the advancement of science in Yukon and applies information to evidence-based decision making. It establishes a basis to measure progress toward the goals of the Science Strategy when the full evaluation is completed in 2024–25.   

The results highlight a number of strengths and areas of improvement within the Government of Yukon. This includes recognition of the government’s increased emphasis on the importance of evidence-based decision making, as well as identification of gaps in data and information management and sharing.

A summary of the key findings of the baseline evaluation, as well as a report describing the results in detail, are available on Open Data.

The Government of Yukon is pleased to release the Baseline Science Assessment Report on the Yukon Science Strategy. We believe science should be relevant, timely and accessible in order to support evidence-based decision-making throughout Yukon. We look forward to reporting on our progress to Yukoners in the coming years.

Premier Silver

Quick facts
  • The full evaluation is scheduled to be completed in 2024–25. That report will assess progress made against the baseline evaluation results.

  • The strategy marks the first all-of-government effort to provide strategic direction for science activity in Yukon.

  • The long-term vision supports the active pursuit, gathering and storage of scientific knowledge so it can be easily retrieved, transferred, shared and used to support evidence-based decision-making.

  • An independent evaluation of the baseline state of science and related activities in the Government of Yukon was ordered in the fall of 2018.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Alexis Miller
Communications, Executive Council Office

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