August 31, 2021: Public exposure notifications

The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott has issued a COVID-19 public exposure notice for the following locations:

  • Bees Kneez Bakpakers Hostel, Whitehorse
    Tuesday, August 17, to Thursday, August 19, 2021
  • Wanderer’s Inn Backpackers Hostel, Haines Junction
    Saturday, August 21, to Friday, August 27, 2021

Anyone who was at either of these locations on the dates listed is asked to self-monitor. If symptoms appear, self-isolate, remain at home and arrange to get tested either by calling 867-393-3083 or booking a test online. Rural Yukon residents should contact their community health centre to arrange for testing. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated should especially self-monitor for symptoms.


Yukoners are encouraged to get vaccinated if they are eligible and have not yet done so. Vaccine information is available online.

Media contact

Erin Scott
Communications, Health and Social Services

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