Today, federal Minister of Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, joined by the Premier of Yukon Sandy Silver, Minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corporation and the Yukon Energy Corporation John Streicker and Member of Parliament for the Yukon Brendan Hanley, announced a $32.2 million investment to Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited Partnership for the Atlin Hydro Expansion Project.
The Yukon government has committed $50 million over the next five years towards the Atlin Hydro Expansion project, including $15 million for the project this year.
The project will expand the existing Indigenous-owned and operated two-megawatt hydropower facility in Atlin B.C. by an additional eight and half megawatts of energy and export this new power to the Yukon’s grid through a new transmission line. The project will deliver clean electricity to the Yukon, help the territory reduce emissions and meet the targets in Our Clean Future while ensuring that electricity rates remain low for Yukoners.
Natural Resources Canada recognizes the importance of this project and has also set aside up to $50 million through the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program, and will continue working with Tlingit Homeland Energy Limited Partnership to advance their project application.
Through initiatives like the Low Carbon Economy Fund and the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program, the Government of Canada continues to work with partners across the country to cut pollution and build strong, resilient communities, while creating good jobs and growing a sustainable, clean economy.
The Atlin Hydro Expansion Project is a priority for the Yukon government and is a significant step in moving the Yukon and Northern British Columbia towards a more sustainable, greener energy system. I look forward to establishing a reliable and diverse supply of renewable winter energy made in the North that will advance our climate goals as a territory and provide Yukoners with affordable energy for generations to come.
The Government of Canada is committed to working with the provincial and territorial governments to deliver good projects that will help us reach our climate objectives.
Climate change is a significant global challenge that will continue to impact the North. The Atlin Hydro Expansion project will help increase our renewable energy capacity while reducing the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions and providing affordable power to Yukoners. Through our partnerships with First Nations and the Government of Canada, I look forward to the project coming to life and helping the territory meet Our Clean Future commitments.
The Atlin Hydro Extension project will help lead our territory to a net zero emissions future. The $32 million federal investment to support this project that we are making today will bring it closer to fruition and us closer to our goals of a greener future for all Yukoners.
Canada is proud to work in partnership with the provinces and territories to support Indigenous-led clean energy projects in the North. The Atlin Hydro Expansion project will help support climate resilience in the North by building Yukon’s capacity to provide dependable, renewable electricity to Yukoners.
We are grateful for the unique gift the land provides our people, abundant water and a significant change in elevation that makes this hydro opportunity possible. We are grateful for positive working relationships with governments who share our interest in protecting the environment and have chosen to invest in our shared goal. We are grateful for the rigorous approval and regulatory processes that ensure future generations will benefit from this opportunity without harm to the land or its people.
The Low Carbon Economy Fund supports energy-efficient projects in provinces and territories across Canada, which will help communities save money by lowering energy costs. Support is also available for industries to put in place clean technologies that will help them be more efficient and innovative, creating jobs and savings across Canada.
The Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program is a $964 million program which provides $922 million over four years for smart renewable energy and electrical grid modernization projects. This program will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging the replacement of fossil-fuel generated electricity with renewables that can provide essential grid services while supporting Canada’s equitable transition to an electrified economy.
The Government of Canada’s Budget 2022 announced an additional $600 million over seven years for the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program.
The Government of Canada provided $14.1 million to the Atlin Hydro Expansion project through the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada’s Northern REACHE program.
Natural Resources Canada
Media Relations
Keean Nembhard
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Natural Resources
Damian Topps
Yukon Development Corporation
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Government of Yukon