This is a joint news release with Vuntut Gwitchin Government
Two of Old Crow’s landmark buildings have been recognized for their historic and cultural significance to the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and to the Yukon. A ceremony held in the community today recognized the designation of Archdeacon McDonald Memorial Church and St. Luke’s Church as a Yukon historic site under the Historic Resources Act.
Built in 1926, the Archdeacon McDonald Memorial Church was named after Archdeacon Robert McDonald who, together with his wife Julia Kutag, translated the Bible, a prayer book and a hymnal into a dialect of Gwich’in. St. Luke’s was built in 1959 to accommodate a growing congregation of worshippers and was active until 2012.
Together, the two churches represent the importance of the Anglican Church and missionary to the social fabric of Old Crow and the continuing Vuntut Gwitchin commitment to Gwich’in Anglicanism. Over the years, Gwich’in religious leaders, including catechists, deacons and ministers had strong associations with the sites. In addition, members of the Church’s Women’s Auxiliary were community leaders who brought Gwich’in skills and traditions to the work of the church.
As unique historic buildings, the structures have retained their integrity over time. Their simple log construction is typical of many churches built in Yukon communities where lumber was scarce but logs and labour – in the form of community volunteers – was plentiful.
I am pleased that the Government of Yukon was able to fulfil the request of the Diocese of Yukon and the Vuntut Gwitchin Government to designate Archdeacon McDonald Memorial Church and St. Luke’s Church as a Yukon Historic Site. These churches have played an important role in the history of Old Crow and the Yukon. Through this designation as a Yukon Historic Site, we celebrate the many Vuntut Gwitchin women and men who shaped this community and ensure their legacy will be preserved for future generations to appreciate.
Vuntut Gwitchin spirituality is of core importance to our culture. We maintained our ancient ways and amalgamated them with the new Anglican church values. Our community leaders have always been spiritual leaders who are there for us in our daily lives and also in difficult times when we most need spiritual guidance. The designation of the St. Luke’s and Archdeacon McDonald churches as a historic site is a symbol of our community strength and communal values.
As an Anglican clergyperson in the Yukon, the life and witness of Archdeacon McDonald is very inspirational, especially his work amongst the Gwich'in people. He worked tirelessly in the area, ministering and translating the Bible into the Gwich'in language. His work, and the work of many strong Gwich'in church leaders since, have helped to maintain the strong connection between the church, people, and faith.
St. Luke’s Church and Archdeacon McDonald Memorial Church are excellent examples of Northern church construction and local craftsmanship, and are associated with vibrant communities, people, and events significant to Old Crow and to the Yukon as a whole. Their designation as a Yukon Historic Site is an opportunity to highlight these rich stories and to ensure that the site continues in its role as a place of gathering, celebration, and community.
Archdeacon McDonald Memorial and St. Luke’s churches are the eleventh designated Yukon Historic Site and the first in the Old Crow Area.
The two churches were nominated as one historic site by the Diocese of Yukon and the Vuntut Gwitchin Government.
The designation will allow the Diocese of Yukon and Vuntut Gwitchin Government to access technical support and increased funding for the conservation of the buildings through the Department of Tourism and Culture.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Tourism and Culture
Gyde Shepherd
Communications Manager
Vuntut Gwitchin Government