Applications for the Yukon Midwifery Program are now open

Whitehorse residents who are in their first 20 weeks of pregnancy can now apply for midwifery care.

The Yukon Midwifery Program provides Yukoners with an additional option for safe, integrated care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, without having to pay out of pocket. Registered midwives are licensed, insured and fully integrated into Yukon’s health care system. They will work closely with other health providers to provide Yukoners with high quality care.

Yukoners can find information on how to apply at The Yukon Midwifery Program will be in contact with anyone who applies and midwives will start seeing accepted clients in the clinic in early July.

Quick facts
  • The Yukon’s approach to midwifery care is aligned with standards and best practices in Canada. 

  • Registered midwives offer a full continuum of care, from prenatal to up to eight weeks postpartum. 

  • Midwives will offer care in the clinic at 9010 Quartz Road, in the hospital, or in people’s homes. 

  • The Yukon Midwifery Program will initially accept applications from Whitehorse residents who are in their first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Claire Robson
Communications, Health and Social Services

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