Annual recreation gathering includes specialized training, relationship building and awards

Recreation leaders from across the territory had the opportunity to network, learn new skills and increase their knowledge at Yukon’s annual recreation gathering this week in Marsh Lake.

The Government of Yukon and the Recreation and Parks Association of Yukon jointly hosted the three-day event from October 15 to 17, which saw participants attend a variety of workshops and information sessions, including Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid training.

At the gathering, the Government of Yukon presented Cindy Underhill of Tagish and Lisa Preto of Haines Junction with community recreation awards. The Recreation and Parks Association also presented Sean Healy with its annual recognition award.

Yukon’s community recreation leaders are instrumental in fostering healthy, sustainable Yukon communities. Their passion, skills and drive create so many opportunities, from developing and managing outdoor programs, like hiking or canoeing, to supporting music and arts programming to organizing family ski days. This annual gathering is an invaluable way for us to strengthen the existing skills and knowledge of community recreation leaders from across the territory while also recognizing those who go above and beyond. Congratulations to Cindy, Lisa and Sean!

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

The Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon values professional development and networking opportunities for Yukon recreation leaders. The annual fall recreation gathering is a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, keep current with best practices and leave feeling motivated and energized.

Recreation and Parks Association of Yukon executive director Anne Morgan

Quick facts
  • Workshops and information sessions at this year’s gathering included psychological first aid training, Nordic walking leader training, information sessions on Recreation North’s youth recreation leadership certificate and training in how to use social media to achieve recreation programming goals.  

  • Russ Sheppard, former coach of the Kugluktuk Grizzlies, was this year’s keynote speaker.

  • This year was the 18th year of the annual recreation gathering.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Anne Morgan
Executive Director
Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon

Odile Nelson
Communications, Community Services

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