Amendments to Miscellaneous Statute Law Act tabled

Minister of Justice Tracy McPhee tabled Bill No. 15 today, entitled the Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2022. The Bill proposes amendments that would correct and update 25 Acts that currently have typos, language errors or outdated names and references. These changes are minor and editorial in nature.

Miscellaneous statute law amendments must be made every few years to reflect changes to other Yukon Acts, federal legislation, international agreements or changes to official names.

Every few years, governments are responsible for tabling miscellaneous statute bills in order to ensure that pieces of legislation are up-to-date and accurate. The Bill tabled today would correct and update over two dozen Yukon acts to reflect modern day language and continue to serve Yukoners. 

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • Miscellaneous statute bills are created for housekeeping changes to legislation, such as fixing numbering errors, language errors or inconsistencies.

  • The most recent Bill of this nature,.the Miscellaneous Statute Law Act, 2019, received assent on April 30, 2019.

  • This Bill proposed to amend the following acts:

    • Animal Protection Act;
    • Chartered Professional Accountants Act;
    • Children’s Law Act;
    • Chiropractors Act;
    • Chiropractors Act;
    • Coroners Act;
    • Dental Profession Act;
    • Education Act;
    • Education Labour Relations Act;
    • Enduring Power of Attorney Act;
    • Environment Act;
    • Forest Protection Act;
    • Judicature Act;
    • Lands Act;
    • Land Titles Act, 2015;
    • Miners Lien Act;
    • Motor Vehicles Act;
    • Notaries Act;
    • Partnership and Business Names Act;
    • Optometrists Act;
    • Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act;
    • Securities Act;
    • Societies Act;
    • Teaching Profession Act; and
    • Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act.
Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Fiona Azizaj
Communications, Justice

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