Additional enforcement officers, information station for travellers will help protect Yukon from COVID-19

Starting Friday, May 15, a new roadside information station outside of Whitehorse will ensure travellers in transit through Yukon understand their mandated route through the territory and the restrictions in place under the Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA).

CEMA enforcement officers are now in place in Carmacks, Mayo, Dawson, Ross River, Faro, Haines Junction, Old Crow, Teslin and Watson Lake.  RCMP remain available to support enforcement in all communities, and may issue fines or make arrests of those found violating the CEMA orders.

The Government of Yukon is ensuring that adequate enforcement measures and capacity are in place in all Yukon communities to help protect Yukon from the risks of importing COVID-19.

We know that Yukoners are concerned about the possibility of importing COVID-19 to the territory. Strong measures at our borders reduce the risk within the Yukon.  Our efforts to provide information and education about the CEMA Orders have been very successful in achieving compliance and understanding, ensuring that both Yukoners and people entering the territory follow the guidance that COVID-19 has made necessary. We will continue to work with our community partners to keep our territory safe and healthy. 

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • A new information station will be set up at the Alaska Highway junction with Robert Service Way south of Whitehorse. This station will help ensure that non-resident travellers stay on their designated route and do not travel into Whitehorse.

  • Orders that are enforceable under CEMA include:

    • Entry to Yukon is restricted to Yukon residents, family of Yukon residents, critical and essential workers, people transiting through the territory within 24 hours, and people exercising Aboriginal or treaty rights.
    • Gatherings are limited to 10 people or less
    • People must self-isolate for 14 days when they enter Yukon
    • Bars and restaurants must close or be open for takeout only
  • RCMP are empowered to make arrests under CEMA as of May 13.  They are also tasked with enforcing the federal government’s Quarantine Act.

  • The information station in Whitehorse is only for those non-Yukon-resident travellers en-route through the territory to Alaska or other destinations, and will not attempt stop local traffic.

  • Yukon’s enforcement of CEMA orders is a complaint-based process. If you have a complaint or think an order is being violated, contact the COVID-19 Call Centre at 1-877-374-0425 or .

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Emergency Coordination Centre - Information
867-667-5220, extension 235

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