35th Yukon Legislative Assembly begins

The first Session of the 35th Yukon Legislative Assembly began today with a Speech from the Throne delivered by the Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard.

The Speech from the Throne reflected on the work of the government to date and outlined the broad agenda for the coming mandate. It identified key priorities that will be the focus of a collaborative approach going forward. These priorities include:

  • continuing to provide COVID-19 support programs for as long as they are needed;
  • increased resources to address opioids;
  • the Great Yukon Summer Campaign;
  • the new universal early childhood education program;
  • expanding housing options across the continuum;
  • a new immigration strategy to support Yukon’s workforce;
  • developing an Innovation Commission to attract new technology start-ups and grow Yukon’s digital ecosystem;
  • a bid to host the 60th Anniversary of the Canada Winter Games in 2027;
  • the construction of a new elementary school in Whistle Bend;
  • the creation of a Yukon First Nations school board;
  • releasing Yukon’s LGBTQ2S+ Action Plan;
  • the creation of McIntyre Creek Park;
  • completing the Dawson Land Use Planning;
  • ongoing implementation of Our Clean Future and the Putting People First reports; and
  • the construction of a new secure medical unit at the Whitehorse General Hospital.

Members of the Legislative Assembly elected Mayo-Tatchun MLA Jeremy Harper as Speaker of the Assembly for the 35th Session.

Today’s Speech from the Throne establishes a path forward for our second term in government. Building on the strong foundation established during our previous mandate, it outlines our plans to make the Yukon a better place to live. We look forward to working together with all Members of the Legislative Assembly to continue serving Yukoners.

Premier Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • The Yukon Liberal Party formed a minority government following the results of the territorial election on April 12, 2021. 

  • Premier Sandy Silver and the new Government of Yukon Cabinet were sworn in by the Commissioner of Yukon on May 5, 2021.

  • Legislative Assembly procedures have been adjusted to address COVID-19 health concerns. Media and members of the public in attendance are required to wear masks.

  • Anyone showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should not attend and should be in self-isolation consistent with the direction of Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

  • Coverage of the proceedings are available at: https://yukonassembly.ca/house-business/coverage-proceedings

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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