Beginning this season, occupied campsites left unattended for longer than 24 hours will be subject to a fine of $200 per offence.
This regulation change aims to address campers’ concerns about holding campsites. It will help improve availability of campsites and provide fair access at Yukon campgrounds for residents and visitors.
Park officers will work to educate campers about the rules in the 2018 camping season and enforce the new regulation as necessary.
The Government of Yukon is also pleased to offer free camping to all Yukon residents for the month of May. All campgrounds will open May 18 with twelve campgrounds opening early on May 11. Visit the campgrounds web page for more information.
We’ve heard from Yukoners that they support this regulation change to help increase campsite availability and opportunities for all Yukoners to enjoy the outdoors. I encourage all Yukoners to get out in the coming weeks and enjoy the free campground access period.
More than 1,300 responses on the proposed regulation change were received from May to July 2017.
More than 90 per cent of respondents agreed to limit the time campers are allowed to occupy a campsite without being present to 24 hours.
Eighty-eight per cent of respondents agreed to increase the penalty for not adhering to this rule.
More than half of respondents supported a fine of $200 or more.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Sophie Best
Communications, Environment