Grades 10 to 12 students in Whitehorse will remain on their current schedule for the second semester to ensure the three larger Whitehorse high schools continue to meet the health and safety guidelines developed by Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.
The Government of Yukon will continue engaging with school councils, Yukon First Nations governments and school administration at the three Whitehorse high schools to identify additional supports to ensure students are successful on this schedule. The second survey on learning during COVID-19 will be launched later this November to allow students, parents and school staff to provide their feedback on additional supports they may need.
The Music Arts and Drama (MAD) program will move back to the Wood Street Centre as part of ongoing adjustments to school programs to meet learning needs and health and safety guidelines throughout the pandemic.
The MAD program will be hosted in the Black Box Theatre at the Wood Street Centre for the remainder of the school year. F.H. Collins Grade 8 students will remain at the Wood Street Centre in the available classroom spaces.
School administration and staff will be sharing updates and more information with parents and students about this move in the coming days. The Wood Street Centre’s operational plan will be revised to reflect the return of MAD students and staff.
While it remains our priority to have as many students as possible in class full time, we must ensure we continue to protect the health and safety of students, staff and our communities. We are fortunate the majority of Yukon students are in school full-time and specialized programs like the MAD program can continue. We will continue to invest in additional supports to make sure all Yukon students are successful this year and look forward to hearing from students, staff and families in our second survey.
Whitehorse Grades 10 to 12 students at Porter Creek, Vanier Catholic and F.H. Collins secondary schools are currently attending face-to-face classes for half of each school day and are learning in a supervised study hall or away from school for the other half of the day, five-days per week.
Second semester additional supports will be determined with feedback from students, staff and families through the learning during COVID-19 survey opening later in November. Additional supports may include:
- additional staffing to support student needs;
- supports for developing successful work and study skills for students;
- tutoring options;
- increased online tools and supports;
- increased capacity at study halls to accommodate additional students for longer periods; and
- more in-class time for students identified as needing additional supports.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Education