The Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund is supporting 20 community projects that bring economic, social and cultural benefits to Yukoners. In addition to employment opportunities, the projects support recreation, skill development, language revitalization, cultural and educational initiatives, and improvements to community infrastructure.
Funding recipients include the Watson Lake Elders Society, BYTE Empowering Youth Society, Faro Golf Club, the Village of Teslin and the Whitehorse United Church. A total of $716,145 is being awarded to 10 projects from the Tier 2 September intake and 10 projects from the Tier 1 October intake for 2018.
This is an investment to build healthy and vibrant communities across the territory. We are supporting 20 great projects that will create employment, engage youth and expand cultural and recreational opportunities for all Yukoners.
Thanks to our partnership with the Youth Achievement Centre and generous support from the Community Development Fund towards the Grey Mountain Dream project, we get to see an awesome group of young people tap in to their leadership skills, work ethic and grow their self-esteem as they work hard to build exceptional trails for their community.
We are committed to building cultural and generational bridges, and thank the Community Development Fund for this opportunity for youth to develop new skills that will allow them to grow individually and also participate in the growth of their community.
The fund’s primary goal is to support projects that provide long-term benefits and value to Yukon communities. The projects are awarded based on merit and the ability to demonstrate economic and social benefits.
The Community Development Fund provides up to 90 per cent of the total project costs. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less (January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15).
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 (April 15 and September 15).
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 (January 15).
Community Development Fund Tier 2 September 17, 2018 Intake Approved Projects
The Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund awarded $548,525 in Tier 2 funding towards 10 projects that promote economic, social and cultural benefits to Yukoners.
Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society (YWPOS) – $75,000 – To develop a comprehensive 10-year master plan to guide the development and sustainability of the Preserve. This renewed master plan project will provide direction and guide the development of the Preserve in a productive, sustainable manner and provide a path for YWPOS to successfully achieve its vision and mandate. The project will create 1,200 hours of employment for 13 people. Contact: Jake Paleczny at 867-456-7313.
Faro Golf Club – $35,903 – To purchase a new greens mower to replace old equipment. The Club provides a nine-hole golf course, driving range and golf equipment to the residents and visitors of Faro. The purchase of a new greens mower ensures that Faro Golf Club can effectively and efficiently maintain the golf course for all to enjoy. Contact: June Hampton at 867-994-3443.
BYTE Empowering Youth Society – $48,675 – To partner with the Youth Achievement Centre to complete another two kilometres of the Grey Mountain Dream Trail in 2019. Through this project, youth will receive training and skills in trail building as well as workshops on work ethic, communication, leadership, conflict resolution, teamwork and other employment skills. Upon completion, the "Grey Mountain Dream Trail" will provide easy access to the rest of the trail network in the area. The project will create 1,288 hours of employment for eight youth and three contractors. Contact: Shelby Maunder at 867-667-7975.
Village of Teslin – $42,639 – To revitalize the Friendship Park playground with new equipment. This playground is a great asset to the community of Teslin providing personal and social benefits and improved quality of life, which are tangible reflections that form the foundation of community pride. The project will create 56 hours of employment for four people. Contact: Shelley Hassard at 867-390-2530.
Whitehorse United Church – $75,000 – To re-shingle the roof and upgrade the roof insulation. The Whitehorse United Church is widely used by community and charitable organizations. The roof repairs and upgrades will ensure that the church continues to provide an affordable, welcoming space and support for those organizations that host the diverse community activities at the church. The project will create 80 hours of employment for six people. Contact: John Maissan at 867-668-7774.
Council of Yukon First Nations – $39,303 – Yukon First Nation community training in the development of online language course applications and mobile language applications. The online language course development training workshops will assist participating Yukon First Nations in revitalizing their languages, strengthening intergenerational relationships, providing community language technicians the ability to create relevant material in their own language, and stimulating community capacity. The project will create 315 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Krista Dempster at 867-668-8820.
Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation – $75,000 – Technical site assessment and planning report including community consultations to determine feasibility of building a new cultural centre for Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation. This project is a key step forward in planning for a new facility and will help to determine how a new cultural centre would address economic viability, opportunities for language and culture revitalization, tourism and community benefits. The project will create 248 hours of employment for five people. Contact: Bev Brown at 867-863-5576.
Yukon Indian Hockey Association – $55,000 – To host the 2019 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, May 6-14, 2019 in Whitehorse. Hosting this national-level event provides Aboriginal youth and coaches with an opportunity to compete and participate in a high-calibre sports competition, increases Aboriginal youth involvement and reduces barriers to participation in minor hockey, promotes healthy living, provides Yukoners access to a high-calibre Aboriginal sporting event that includes a significant Yukon First Nation cultural program, and provides for significant economic and tourism benefits to Yukon. The project will create 496 hours of employment for up to 12 people. Contact: Michelle Dawson-Beattie at 867-335-9145.
Town of Watson Lake – $57,005 – To renovate the kitchen and upgrade the audiovisual equipment in the Morgan Chaddock Recreation Centre. As the only recreation centre, large event facility and commercial kitchen available for community use, the recreation centre is a crucial asset to the community. It is vital to the health and well-being of the community and the upgrades and renovations to the centre are essential for ensuring that community needs are met. The project will create 154 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Cam Lockwood at 867-536-8000.
MacBride Museum Society – $45,000 – To design and install a Hall of Fame for Innovation that can be included in the Innovators and Icons Gallery that will showcase the ideas, drive and success of Yukoners in business, culture, science and industry. This project will allow MacBride Museum to continue to provide exhibits that engage and reflect our Yukon community and will provide a vehicle in which to honour, celebrate and showcase those individuals who have truly impacted Yukon through their ideas and success in business, culture, industry and science. The project will create 22 weeks of employment for up to five people. Contact: Patricia Cunning at 867-667-2709.
Community Development Fund Tier 1 October 15, 2018 Intake Approved Projects
The Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund awarded $167,620 in Tier 1 funding towards 10 projects that promote economic, social and cultural benefits to Yukoners.
Judo Yukon – $4,719 – To host an all-female judo camp in Carmacks, with a focus on nutrition and self-esteem. This project will help to promote a healthy, active lifestyle, build self-esteem, confidence and positive self-image as well as build a community of support for young women and girls in the community of Carmacks. Contact: Bianca Ockedahl at 867-334-8831.
Jewish Cultural Society of Yukon – $18,334 – To revise and update the original display on the Jewish presence in the Klondike Gold Rush. This project will broaden the historical research, provide a more comprehensive portrait of the place of Jewish people in the Klondike Gold Rush and will bring this information to an ever-broadening circle of Canadians and Americans, ensuring that this story continues to be protected and communicated. The project will create 538 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Rick Karp at 867-332-4036.
Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 – $17,616 – To develop a plan that will assist the Whitehorse Legion Branch 254 in identifying options and key priorities to ensure its future sustainability and to enable the Branch to continue to provide services and support for its members and the community at large. The project will create 180 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Ron Pond at 867-667-2886.
CHON-FM/NNBY (Northern Native Broadcasting Yukon) – $18,000 – To hire a consultant to develop a five-year strategic plan including board governance, facility management, public awareness, community engagement, revenue generation and ensure the future viability of CHON-FM. The project will create 23 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Morris Prokop at 867-668-6629.
Village of Teslin – $20,000 – To build a sign kiosk at the Teslin marina to house information and safety concerns. This project will provide additional measures to ensure the safety of lake travellers including water safety concerns, awareness of the area, points of interest and cultural information for visitors, and provide a welcoming and pleasant area at the marina. The project will create 90 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Shelley Hassard at 867-390-2530.
Centre for Human-Wildlife Conflict Solutions – $19,463 – To improve human-bear interactions through advertising and community visits to gain input on human-bear conflict mapping. WildWise Yukon will develop and translate four informational rack cards including a new rack card called “Bear smart camping tips” into German, French, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin, broadly advertise how to avoid human-bear conflict and personally engage with Renewable Resource Councils in Yukon communities. These initiatives are the foundation for behavioural changes that will ultimately result in reduced human-bear conflicts. The project will create 70 hours of employment for six people. Contact: Heather Ashthorn at 867-335-5212.
Watson Lake Elders Society – $17,130 – To organize and host a pilot project to engage youth with knowledge and experience resulting in employable skills. The project is to organize a 28-week pilot program for youth aged 13 to 30 in the "Carving their futures" project. This program will create a positive platform for youth to identify talents and build on those skills and to use their new skills in a range of cultural/community, artistic and sales/marketing settings which may lead to local and sustainable entrepreneurial opportunities in Watson Lake. The project will create 840 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Sue Chief at 867-536-4848.
Liard First Nation – $20,000 – To hire an engineering firm to assess a specific site and determine the approximate cost of constructing, operating and maintaining a cultural centre in Watson Lake. This project is a key step forward in planning for a potential cultural centre in Watson Lake and will help to determine how this facility would address economic viability, address opportunities for language and culture revitalization, tourism and community social benefits. The project will create 460 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Irene vanNieuwkerk at 867-536-7901.
Friends of the Palace Grand – $12,358 – To develop a marketing and communications strategy to engage audiences with the locally produced variety show at the Palace Grand Theatre in Dawson City. The Friends of the Palace Grand contribute to the cultural landscape of the community of Dawson and with a strong marketing and communications strategy, they can continue to develop and establish a sustainable programming model for the Palace Grand, supporting economic growth, increased tourism opportunities and further artistic development for Yukon artists. The project will create 550 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Jim Taggart at 867-993-5005.
Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association – $20,000 – To develop a three-year tactical and implementation plan for the new Yukon First Nations arts marketing brand including the graphic design for marketing materials. A Yukon First Nations arts marketing brand and supporting materials will help to increase understanding, awareness and demand for Yukon First Nations arts, culture and tourism experiences within and beyond Yukon. The new Yukon First Nations arts brand and its tagline, OUR ART/OUR STORIES, will distinguish Yukon First Nations arts from non-Indigenous arts and giftware sold in Yukon retail stores and cultural centres, allowing visitors and locals increased opportunity to buy art and gifts that are reflective of the area. The project will create 230 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Charlene Alexander at 867-667-7698.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Jason Seaton
Communications, Economic Development