Inventory of the Clara Tizya Fonds
Category Arts and culture
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File Type pdf
Number of pages 57
Document description
These records provide a fascinating view of a woman who divided her life between living a
traditional lifestyle in small isolated northern communities and a modern lifestyle in Vancouver,B.C. The fonds are organized into four series: Photographs, Textual Records, Imprint and Miscellaneous. The Photographs, three albums with black and white and colour prints, were taken over a span of 60 years, and depict people and scenes in the Yukon, and outside the territory. The photographs, many with captions, capture Clara’s extended family and many friends as well as specific places and events. The Textual Records series is divided into 6 sub-series: Diaries, Clippings, Church, Conferences,
First Nations, and Personal Papers. Forty-three diaries, written from 1979 to 1997, are a record of Clara’s daily activities, travels, and experiences. The remaining sub-series are materials relating to the Anglican Church, First Nations of the Yukon and Canada, her attendance at conferences, personal correspondence and private papers.
The Imprint series covers a variety of topics: the Anglican Church, missionaries in the Arctic, the Carcross Residential School [Chooutla School], Vancouver Yukoners’ Association, funeral liturgies and obituaries, bus and airline schedules, and the Northern Lights newsletter. The Miscellaneous series includes 4 audio discs and one artifact.