Apply to run your own business in Yukon (foreign entrepreneurs)

Assessing your eligibility

Make sure you and your business:

Applications that meet the eligibility requirements and have a minimum score of 65 points enter a pool of potential candidates for 6 months if your business concept is approved. Meeting the eligibility requirements and the minimum score, however, does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

For details, consult the Yukon Business Nominee Program (YBNP) Policy.

Language requirements

You do not need to have a minimum of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) Level 4 when submitting an application. We'll require this for nomination if we accept you into the YBNP. If you provide your language score with the application, you'll receive points for it.

To determine language equivalencies from designated testing organizations, view Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s language test equivalency charts.

How to apply

  1. Complete the application.
  2. Complete the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5676) if you're representing a client.
  3. Submit the complete and original signed application.
    In person:
    303 Alexander Street, 1st floor in Whitehorse, Yukon.
    Government of Yukon
    Economic Development (F-1)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    Y1A 2C6
  4. We'll contact you within 12 to 14 weeks with the decision of your application. Processing times increase depending on the volume of the applications we receive. 

Next steps

  1. Applications that meet the program's requirements and have a minimum score of 65 points enter a pool of potential candidates for 6 months.
  2. We'll invite only candidates selected from the pool to submit documents to verify the information contained in the original application and assess your business plan.
  3. We'll invite you for an exploratory trip and an in-person interview in the Yukon if you meet the requirements.
  4. If we approve your application after the interview, we'll support you in getting a 2-year work permit from the federal government. This will help you start your new business in the Yukon. During this time, we expect you to establish yourself, your family and your business in the Yukon.
  5. We'll support your permanent residency application to the federal government at the end of the 2-year work permit period if you meet the requirements.

For questions about applying to run your own business in the Yukon email Phone 867-667-5131 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5131.

We offer drop-in sessions at 303 Alexander Street (1st floor) in Whitehorse on Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm. When visiting our office, keep in mind it is a scent-free workplace.

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