Contact the Immigration humanitarian support desk

The Immigration humanitarian support desk provides help and resources for people affected by natural disasters and international crises.

The support desk: 

  • provides information on federal programs to assist with immigration and family reunification; 
  • provides information on settlement services and availability of humanitarian aid; and 
  • guides new arrivals looking for employment opportunities in the Yukon. 

To contact the support desk, email or phone 867-667-9500. Phone toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 9500.

Refugee status

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (the United Nations Refugee Agency) and the Government of Canada determine refugee status in Canada.

Only the Government of Canada can handle refugee and asylum claims. Provincial and territorial governments do not manage these claims. Learn about how Canada’s refugee system works. 

Employment opportunities 

Foreign workers can use many jobs sites to search for work in the Yukon. Some sites include but are not limited to: 

Region Specific Updates


Overseas applications under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) closed on July 15, 2023. Ukrainians and their family members can still apply for a temporary resident visa to come to Canada under existing programs.

Updates from the Government of Canada:

Gaza, the West Bank and Israel

Updates from the Government of Canada:

Additional resources 

There are two settlement service providers in the Yukon. 

View a list of over 200 services that are available in the Yukon. This brochure is provided by the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition. 

Resources for Ukranians

Government of Canada resources

Visit the Government of Canada’s refugees and asylum website

Contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada through their Client Support Centre if you have questions about your application for:

  • a visa;
  • a temporary permit;
  • a refugee claim; or
  • permanent residence.

On their website, you can:

In Canada, the rights of all workers are protected. Know your rights.


To contact the support desk, email or phone 867-667-9500. Phone toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 9500.

Our office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Yukon Time from Monday through Friday. If you're contacting us outside of these hours, send an email and you'll automatically receive our list of resources.

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